when i was 13, my family and i took a summer vacation at LBI. one day, i went to the beach by myself at, oh, 6pm.
i was just messin around in the sand, when i stepped on this rock-thing. i looked down and saw hairs sticking up thru the sand. i was a lil freaked, but, more curious. so, i started digging all around it. soon enuf, i had uncovered the most hoffifying thing i have ever seen. it was a rotted, decaying human skull!
it was brown, and, a little wrinkly, and had these nasty hairs all over it. no shape to it, tho, other than a skull's roundness.
so, whut'd i do? i kicked my finding, like a skull, up the sand dune towards the street entrace where our summer house was. screamin "mom! dad! check this out!"
how shocked could i possibly have been when my dad picked it up and threw it on the street, cracking it open. who knew milk was inside a human head?