This is one of the funniest posts I've read. Funny, and yet sage in its truth. Here are my picks and why:
Kimi: Love to have her...on the island. For all the reasons listed. The haggling wouldn't bother me. The only problem would be "where are we getting the steak?"
Bianca: No problem here. No coconut bra? Then can my hands do bra-duty?
Stareena: I think the world of Stareena. But John Mayar talk would probably drive me to suicide. And the Wiccan faith would remind me too much of my Mom and sister to be comfortable. Sorry, Star'...can I keep the pictures?
Butterrican: Tempting, for all those reasons. But I WOULD eventually piss her off. And who wants to be cursed out like they're Lucy and Ricky's caught them at Club Babaloo? Thanks, but no.
Uschi: No. She scared me in one of the threads. If I want my island stay to be a horror movie, I'll just hop into "Cannibal Holocaust" or "Scream 2". But thanks.
Koriand'r: As much as I'd like to get her alone and...disappoint her, it's true what they say: Once you go white, you run screaming back to black. Sorry.
Wenchie: My gut reaction is "Yes! Yes!! Oh, Hell YES!!!" But I've never seen her. So I reserve judgement until TK POSTS PICS, DAMMIT!!!
Lor: Who?
Cowgirl Jack: This is a no-brainer. Sweet dispostion, medical training, AND cute as hell? Sign me up. Besides, if I may be a typical male for a moment: I'd rather be someone's first than someone's best. "Best" always changes; they can never take "First" away...
Ms. Bunny: Too young. And her hyperkinetic personality would finally make me snap and scream (like a white Samuel L. Jackson): "CHILL BITCH! CHILL!!!" She stays in Michanada...
Batwoman: Out of respect for her, I politely say "no". Besides, I'd drive her crazy and she'd have to kill me on general principle...
ShazamGrrl: Too new. I don't think we've ever conversed. I abstain.
Meeko: She's also new, but I've talked to her. Mark her as a "Yes". Good people. And cute.
NurikoK98: A local girl. Whenever I missed home, I'd tell her "Say 'Park your car in Harvard Yard and get the clam chowder.'" As long as she's not driving the Jeep on the island, I vote "yes" to her.
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock