The Pros and Cons of being Stranded on an Island with a Nature Girl...Second Edition!1.
KimiPros: Experienced nurse, sweet, sweet curves, mesmerizing eyes, Steak and BJ Day advocate.
Cons: Will start haggling you for your share of the goods. "How much for the straw hat?" "Here, you can have it." "I'll give you three clams." "Uh, you can take it Kimi." "Alright, four clams!" Plus, dramatic weight loss may occur, although the booty will remain.
BiancaPros: A thorough kisser, relaxed personality, comfortable with her sexual history, thick in the right places.
Cons: Don't go dissin' Hockeytown, or it'll be a looooooooong stay on the island. And don’t ask her to wear a bra made of coconuts.
StareenaPros: Photogenic, experimental, loves leather, one with nature (Wiccan). Self-proclaimed nymphomaniac.
Cons: Will talk incessantly about John Meyer as if he's your next-door neighbor. Demands at least one spent roll of film used on her every day.
ButterricanPros: Musically inclined, artistic, sexually aggressive, big mamma-jammas.
Con: If you get her mad, she'll speak indecipherable spanish cursings at you for weeks… while posing on the beach.
UschiPros: Crafty with physics, knowledgeable of the lesser known, very pleasing to the eyes.
Con: After day five will shed clothes and wear face paint made of sand and crab juice screaming to the heavens, while chasing you with a homemade spear chanting, "We must have a sacrifice! We must have a sacrifice!" That is, unless you’re a robot.
Koriand'rPros: Big booty, big boobies, dirty talker, skull cracker.
Con: Would rather have a "big, black Mandingo" than your white ass. Buhleee dat!
wenchofthelodgePro: Raging nymphomaniac.
Con: Raging nymphomaniac. One can die from sex.
LorPros: Has the answers to most questions, and has a penchant for teasing a guy incessantly.
Con: Tendency to abandon you for months on end without telling you, leaving one with a severe case of blueballs.
Cowgirl JackPros: Stimulating personality, limited medical training (vet), and overall mentally stable.
Con: Virgin.

Sneaky BunnyPros: She's sneaky, wears skimpy things, drinks Canadian beer, and scrumps the night away.
Cons: Writes like a crack-addicted retard and sounds like she talks with marbles in her mouth. Which is probably a good thing…
BatwomanPros: Strong moral compass, loves comics,
Con: Doesn’t like you that kind of way… bring out the lotion!
ShazamGrrlPros: Relatively new, likeable, a marathon conversationalist.
Con: Will probably fantasize more about Captain Marvel than even gaze in your general direction.
MeekoPros: Lumpia and Pancit lover, easy-going, likes sammitches.
Con: Thinks spandex is all the rage. Which necessarily isn’t a con for us oogling men!
NurikoK98Pros: Protective (a wandering samurai), quiet yet profound when she does step in. Still Mint condition in her original packaging.
Con: So mysterious, who knows what she’ll do to you!