Quote: Ok, tell me how one goes about submitting intelligent design theory to an empirical test.
Gods existance cannot be tested, but is “Emergence by naturalistic processes of the universe from disordered matter and emergence of life from nonlife” confirmed by tests in the empirical world?
Is “The sufficiency of mutation and natural selection in bringing about development of present living kinds from simple earlier kinds” confirmed by tests in the empirical world? Breeding experiments have shown that natural selection can produce a limited variation in one kind. Experiments on generations of fruit flies have shown that random modifications of genes can cause a loss of information resulting in inferior mutant varieties of fruit flies, but no new kinds of insects. In these experiments, scientists have not been able to use artificial selection to create a new kind of insect because mutation hasn’t produced anything suitable for selection.
So lets be fair, eh?
Quote: For the same damn reason I've been harping on this!
At least this is a question of science rather than an emotional debate.
Quote: Intelligent Design or Creationism all ASSUME some sort of divine/supernatural force/being/entity created life on earth and is responsible for the evolution of species. The cause of everything is, therefore, assumed from the outset. And that is not Science. Science works to find the cause and it goes about without presupposing the cause.
God's involvement shouldn't be assumed any more than it should be ruled out. Evolotion ASSUMES we evolved! My only contention is that itellegent design THEORY is no less reasonable than evolution THEORY. If kids can't be taught that we are intellegently designed then why should the be taught that we weren't? You're arguing on behalf of one unprovable theory against another. If you want to argue that ONLY FACTS can be taught in science class in school, fine then make that argument, but if you're going to allow one unproven theory then you should be allowed to teach others. I wonder if you're opposed to school vouchers?
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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