To chime in for a minute...
The Theory of Evolution is...interesting. I think it is valid to question whether this is a scientific theory or not. I think it's more of a leap of faith to say that humans evolved from apes. There is no question we are related. But, I think we evolved along similar evolutionary lines. We have found so many forms of man preHomoSapien. I don't think we can deny that we weren't always HomoSapiens. I think in this instance the Bible should be interpreted a bit more loosely. When it says God created man from the dust of the Earth, can't that mean that God began man's own evolutionary process? Just like when it says the Earth was created in six days, can't each day actually be millions of years long? If you get into the Hebrew, the word Yom, which means day, can also mean a period of time. There is hidden meaning in the words themselves. And this is where I start to get off on a religious discussion...
Anyway, I have no problem with the stickers on the books that advise students to keep an open mind when studying the Theory of Evolution. After all, it has yet to be proven as fact, and should not be taught or presented that way. I think that it should be discussed in science as a lesson, but it is a lesson on theory, on having an open mind, not on evolution. It is important to bring it up in science because there are many scientific theories that have yet to be proven. If we remove the Theory of Evolution from science class, then why not cut out maybe a third of the text book itself? The Theroy of Relativity is still called a theory. There are many theories taught in science. There are many things we have yet to prove. But we still discuss them. We have to. It's part of the learning process.
To counter discussing the Theory of Evolution in science, I think it should be discussed in a philosophical mannor, along with other theories of creation. Because they are all theories. Well, I believe God created the world, but I know that many people don't. It's been quite a few thousand years since God split the Red Sea.