
Wednesday said:

PrincessElisa said:
I think its important to teach both views! The school's are already teaching evolution which is still a theory and not a fact. I'm in favor of Creationism...the sciences sure point towards it more. Kids should be able to get both sides of the fence and left to decide for themselves.

Also, though I can't speak for her, Batwoman appears to believe in Creationism over the Theory of Evolution.

I believe in Creationism over Evolution too, but I think in the public schoolls the debate should remain between Intellegent Design Theory and Evolutionary Theory.

Hey, Jim, I'm not sure exactly what your asking, but I do believe that no portion of the Bible is "complete". There is alot of history that is missing (as well it should be, if anyone should hope to read it), but I do believe it's sufficiant. If that isn't an answer to your question, please elaborate.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k