
Pariah said:

Methos said:
Did you read the entire post, or did you stop after that one point? If you had continued reading, you'd see that I address this point.

Just in case, let's see what I can clear up here.

I read the entire post, but I can't tell what you're going on about if not trying to assert that God modified earth rather than created it.

Sigh...I'll sum it up as briefly as I can then.

The first verse of the Bible may imply that God created a basic form of the earth before the seven days of creation, and that the seven days was spent modified and putting the finishing touches on that which he had already created. Leading to the possibility that the first seven days listed in the Bible might not be the first seven days of the planet Earth's existence - stuff might have been going on before those seven days.

So once again - and I really though I'd made this clear - I'm not asking if God created Earth, and I'm not out to prove whether he did or didn't. The only thing I'm speculating about is "when." Does the first verse imply that God get started on creating the world before the seven days of Creation?



Methos said:
Is it?

After all, the first line says the heavens and earth were created, then it gets into details about the seven days of creation. But nowhere in the seven days does it show that the world and heavens and earth were formed from out of nowhere. With the second and third days, when the sky and dry land is formed, the way it's worded suggests that something already existed and God was rearranging what he already created rather than creating from scratch for these two days of creation.

You're all over the place here. First you conceed that the Bible says God created the world and then one sentence later you're trying to imply exactly the opposite by invoking, "something didn't come from nothing".

No I'm not. Either you're really not getting what I'm saying, or you're not reading it carefully enough.


Using what the Bible doesn't say to try and make your case just isn't doesn't work.

That's not at all what I'm doing.

I think this same thing happened when we were having a different discussion regarding possible interpretations about what the Bible is saying. I'm not making any claims saying "this is what happened." I'm not making any case. I'm raising questions for discussion's own sake, and explaining how I came by those ideas.

If you don't mind my saying so, you seem to have a difficult time telling the difference between someone engaging in mere speculation and someone trying to make a claim. Just something to watch out for.

"Just because I don't like to fight doesn't mean that I can't."