Just a warning. ^
I've been reading some pro and con logic arguments regarding abortion (for my Ethics class) and have changed my views regarding abortion.
- I will no longer disregard the rights of the mother.
- I will no longer blindly plow past valid points in ignorance.
- I actually have reasons for my views now.
- I still find most abortion morally wrong.
- I also want to go over the morality of animal killing for consumption.
- I would like some help in formulating these thoughts so I can hav a more complete view, so I especially welcome strong polar views here.
I'm still working on what I want to say, but I wanted to start anyhow, see if anyone else is interested in discussing the issue.
For referance I've read:
Judith Jarvis Thompson's "A Defense of Abortion"
Mary Anne Warren's "On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion"
Don Marquis' "Why Abortion is Immoral"