If the only two times when an abortion would be legal were in cases of rape or the life of the mother, I would be one happy camper, but we've come to the point where in the 1st 2 trimesters are performed as matters of convenience and abortion advocates rail against a ban on partial birth abortion even with a provision for the life of the mother.
I'll take these provisions one at a time, because while I would be content with abortion being legal in the case of rape, I wouldn't go as far as to say it would be morraly acceptable. I do not think the woman's parrallel is exactly annalogous to the case of rape because what you have is someone commiting a crime against a woman for the bennifit of the violinist. You could almost assume from the story that they could be doing it on his behest. To truly parralel you would have to create a scenareo where one becomes dependant on another, both being a victim of the same crime. Off the top of my head I would say something along the lines of two people being thrown off a bridge, while one is able to secure themselves safely the other is forced to be held in the air by the other. Say the "woman" has caught herself and has a shure footing and has the "violinist" by one hand. The woman in this case isn't in jepordy of losing her life, but will definately be inconvenianced, put in grave discomfort and even have her freedoms limited for what ever period she decides to hold the hand of the violinist. While this is unfortunate for her I would say that it wouldn't be the "right" thing to do to let go and allow him to fall to his death and I think few people in that situation would do so.
As far as the health and the life of the mother, I will say that i agree with the case of the mothers life and on the same basis (self defence), but not the health of the mother, because as I've mentioned before the simple fact is that a mothers health is alwayse effected by having a child and in choosing to get pregnant you choose to face these health issues in fact what makes this an even more problematic argument is the fact that one of the leading unreported stories is that it's a far greater risk to interupt the body's natural order in producing than to allow it to go to term. Planned Parrenthood has even been exposed in attemting to hide the cancer risk and other health risks of an abortion from prospective patiants.
I do hope that some of our local proponants for legalised abortion will attemt to tell me why I'm wrong here.