Solicitations has it as being used for a story by either Teen Titans or Outsiders. One of them goes out to hunt down the armor. I think part of the job given by Brad was to create an excellent story with a lot of dangling ropes for other writers to make use of. Better villains, new rivalries, new feuds, etc.

Solicitations mentioned how Lois is going to get Shot in #7. I don't think she dies. That would be too cool.

But Diana and Bruce don't particularly seem interested in consoling Clark. He had a hand in this somewhere.

The new Captain Boomerang, a speedster, creates a tougher enemy for Wally West. I doubt they will mention who his mother is. That will be up to the writer of Flash. But I suspect an affair or something (rape)--looking at Zoom and Iris.

Green Arrow
He has to deal with Deathstroke as a potential enemy now. Great. Plus Merlyn and others. Maybe a falling out with the league.

Likewise, he has to deal with problems with the league. Was his mind tampered with? Did he really have adventures with Ray Palmer? The whole Ray thing is going to create problems for that comic--this may find its way to JSA

I am just touching some stuff, but Brad's 7 issues have done a better job for DC than anything since Crisis (in terms of stirring things in a POSITIVE way). Zero hour fucked things up. I think this was just the nice kick the line-up needed.

Words not violence, break the silence. Maybe.