Written by Geoff Johns; Art by Mike McKone and Marlo Alquiza

Part 1 of the 3-part "Lights Out," an IDENTITY CRISIS follow-up story! Doctor Light has forced the Titans' hand and staged a publicized battle with the young heroes to take back his reputation. But as the Titans fall, help arrives in the form of two young heroes. Get ready for the debut of the new Hawk and Dove!

DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.50 US

On Sale February 16, 2005


Written by Judd Winick; Art by Carlos D'Anda; Cover by Doug Mahnke

A shocking IDENTITY CRISIS follow-up guest-starring Batman and featuring guest art by Carlos D'Anda (ACTION COMICS)! Nightwing and Batman have a confrontation that could change the future of the team! Meanwhile, Arsenal has his own secret meeting with Batman that threatens to splinter the team forever!

DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.50 US

On Sale February 23, 2005
