I can't WAIT!

I missed the commercial, but downloaded it and have seen it.

I heard Lauren's not dead and that she'll be back in a recuring role, think I read that in the Alias magazine.

Can't wait to find out what Syd saw on those documents, since I still don't have the 3rd season set, hoping I'll get it for Chirstmas.

I really hope and wish they'd end the Syd Vaughn thing one and for all. He was never a good choice for her, Will was the better choice, she needs stability which Will can provide.

anyway, gotta get links to things I want for my birthday so my oldest brother will know what to get me, since he asked yesterday and I told him I'd send him an email and Saturday is approaching REALLY fast (that being when I'll see him next).

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.