rex said: All I will say about it is that I am surprised who it is. That is all I will say. Both my mom and dad are addicted. I have managed to get most of my family obsessed with it.
Well, like I said, I know who it is and I don't see how that could be. But again, I haven't read the article so i don't know what those documents say, which is crucial, I guess, in this case. Because for it to be who it is, can't be unless it happened aftwards or something. And aren't those documents supposed to be a number of years old? If so, then how could that be?
No, this is one case where knowing that spoiler makes no sense, we're going to have to wait and see how it plays out to get it.
I haven't been able to get my sister into Alias, she generally would love it, but she's not a fan of Jen's so I don't think I can get her to sit through an ep, even if we were to get rid of her kids of a while. After my mom and I got into it, and we finally saw the pilot ep, I tried to get her to watch it, which I think she was liking, but one of her kids walked in the room and I had to turn it off. They're way too young to watch Alias, Star Wars is fine, Alias, no way, it's way too violent for them.
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.