
OK I'm liking the back to basics that we've had this season. The brush pass and pick pocekting was great. Shows that they can still do the job and not rely on tech, which you tend to get the impression when we have episodes that have lots of cool toys... I mean tech. Don't get me wrong, the tech/gadgets are cool and they help make the show what it is, but bottom line, they are spys and spys I'm sure still do the basics (like brush pass) in addition to everything else they do. Granted I'm not claiming to be an expert, having never even gone through the police academy, much less gone through training for the CIA or someone else.

Anyway, I missed all of what was said between Nadia and Syd when Nadia asked about the pictures, I was in the kitchen and I didn't warn my mom not to run the dishwasher until AFTER Alias was over, so I had that drowning out the tv. That's what I get for waiting that long to make popcorn. *sigh* But Jack's reaction to the picture was so Jack. The look on Sloane's face when he saw it made me wonder if he knew more about the picture than he was claiming, maybe even more than Jack does. Did anyone else catch how they flipped the negative when Jack was holding the picture? Everytime we saw it, Irina was holding the baby with it's head on her left arm, but then when we see it in Jack's hand, it was flipped. Nice blooper guys! Wonder if that was on purpose or an accident. The only thing I can think of is that they filmed it with 1 person holding it and so to show it was being held by 2 different people, they flipped the negative, which I can't see them doing on Alias. It's too high quality to do something that cheap to.

Anyway, loved how Jack later came up to Nadia and apologized in his own way, opened up a bit to her. Showing her that he did care for Irina, still does (you could so see it and hear it in his voice here) but that the lies out weighed everything else and that's why he's cold and distant at times. I really hope Syd would stop acting like an idiot and just go to daddy already. It seems like she's running to Vaughn and jumping back into a relationship with him when she should be going to Jack and talking to him, re-establishing their relationship and moving forward. You know Jack wants to be close to Syd, like he should have been when she was younger, but due to his stupidity and keeping her at arms length all those years, he doesn't know how to talk to her like he wants to. He tends to get frustrated quickly and is short with her.

OK, enough of my ramblings. I do have one question though, what did Vaughn tell what's her name, his name was when he was under cover as the priest? Did he say Micheal Vartan? That's what I heard in all that noise that was the dishwasher AND washing machine. I swear my mom has no respect for the tv.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.