ooooh, I can live with that.

OK, this is a direct copy and paste from my LJ community K-Directorate, unedited by me, so it has my little background info on Man from U.N.C.L.E. in it.


You've been warned....

That was another great episode of Man From U.N.C.L.E. Alias. heh

When I read what tonight's ep was about the first thought I had was that's right out of Man from U.N.C.L.E. For those of you not famialiar with the show, it was the predicessor for Alias. From 64-68 Napoleon Solo (played by Robert Vaughn) and Illya Kuryakin (played by David McCalum, an American and his Russian partner, fought to save the world for the United Network Command for Lawn and Enforcement. Each week there was an inncocent that was pulled into their world and was there for the duration of the episode, much like tonight's episode. Unlike tonight's episode though, the innocents in MFU were told which organiztion the agents worked for and some even gained entrance into the gun metal grey walls of U.N.C.L.E. HQ. Like Alias, it had cool gadgets, among them the pen communicator, and the famous U.N.C.L.E. Special (gun).

OK, history lesson over (for anyone intersted in learning more about the show, don't be shy, just ask me. The show is in the works of coming back either as a movie or show, which will be kept true to the original, unlike all the other crappy remakes Hollywood has given us), on with my thoughts on tonight's ep....

This was another great, nail bitter. Was Jack having second thoughts about killing Sasha? One must wonder.


I'll spare you my repeated review of the bits with the innocent. ;-P

LOVED that ending. You could just tell Jack wanted to invite Syd to join him for dinner and to spend time with him. GO SYD for catching that and joining him. LOVED Spy Daddy's smile after that. :-D

OK enough gushing. Whose next? ;P

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.