This is your only warning for spoilers....

I'm so loving spydaddy even more tonight than I have ever loved him before.

I so LOVED Jack tonight. FINALLY we didn't have Syd run into Vaughn's arms at the end, but into her dad's arms like she should have LAST week.

I KNEW Jack was the one that shut down the core and not Marshall, but my mom and I cracked up when Marshall jumped up and hugged Sloane who just stood there like Excuse me?

So what do you think? Was Jack lying when he told Sloane he was tired? I can't stand to think that he was affected by the radiation, so I have to say either he really was tired, or how close he came to nearly losing Syd before his very eyes was eating away at him.

so love Jack.

This was probably the best Jack episode ever. I've been saying since season 1 how much he loves Syd and how he'd do anything to protect her. This just proved that once again. He was willing to lose his life if it meant saving his baby girl. :-D SO loved how he killed the guy and ran to save Syd. EEEEEEEEEEE

Also, loved Jack's dig at Sloane when Sloane said he doesn't get how Jack can use his daughter like he did, and Sloane said he'd never do it. You just KNOW Jack was mentally slapping him and telling him he already did for that one. HA!

OK shutting up now or I will never get to sleep before the sun comes up

OH and that Muppets commercial... BWHWHWHWHWHWA That better be on the season 4 DVD set.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.