heh My problem is right now I basically don't have a working VCR, and my dad's back home (he was in CA for months), so of course he comes in and talks to my mom while we're BOTH watching Alias. He's been doing this since we started watching in season 1. No matter how many times we tell him to go away and not talk, he does it. I started taping it as a result and that helped. But now the VCR that I was taping it off of, refuses to record, so I switched it with the one in the basement and that records audio like crap, so I am left with the one in my parents' room, which I'd rather not go there.

SO I have to look into that Sanyo I saw at Walmart for 50 bucks, because this is getting rediculous and there's no way I'm going to watch the season finale without taping it, because I know I'm going to miss something and will need to watch it again.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.