Copied from my Alias community on LJ...
First the rant.
Vaughn carrying the ring on a mission and then proposing right before they jump. Give me a friggin' break! That will so compromise the mission you moron! First off, don't carry the freaking ring with you on a mission! Second, don't freakin' propose right before you guys are going to jump out of a plane. That will only serve to distract her, no matter how good she is. GAH! I so don't like the Syd Vaughn pairing. Where's Will when you need him?
Now that I got that out of my system, and yes I was yelling a good portion of that at the tv, onto the rave.
Jack was so AWESOME tonight! He was so cuddly at times, believe me, if you've seen it you'll agree. He was great! I loved how he just lit up when he saw Irina. You just KNOW he wanted to pull her into his embrace and have his way with her, after she cleaned up on the plane. Loved the way she slugged him though, that cracked me up.
Actually what killed me was when the CIA agents stormed Syd and Nadia's place and took an inventory of their stuff. LOVED all the weapons in Syd's room. LOL I couldn't stop laughing as the guy was reading off the list of all the stuff she had stashed away. Reminded me of a certain blond Russian I know.

I can so see IK doing that. ;-p
Anyway, getting back to Jack and Irina, that's one couple I can and have endorsed since her early episodes. Yes I know, I've been saying she wasn't to be trusted, but looking back on it as Jack has, I see what she was up to. Now granted, I can't figure out the CIA deaths, but at least I can see her 'obsession' with Rambaldi. Now that we know Elana's the Rambaldi freak, Irina was just trying to stop her all those years. Makes sense now, of course we didn't know any of that before.
Loved the scene in APO when Irina asked Jack how his jaw was and he said he's had worse, then he smiled at her and she smiled back.

I kept thinking that those 2 were going to have one seriously private reunion, if you know what I mean. *nudge nudge wink wink*
OH, I did catch some nods to other shows though. Chase's line at the begining when she told them to becareful, I practically screamed Hill Street Blues. Actually I did that mentaly. Man I hadn't heard anyone say that in that sense in YEARS.
please tell me I'm not the only one old enough to get that.
The other, as much as I hate to admit this, probably wasn't a nod to anything, more like coincidental, but it struck me. When Vaugn proposed, that situation that lead to the proposal, on a mission, his desperation on how he had it all planed out, etc, but then just propossed. That was very Scarecrow and Mrs. King. Lee did a better job of it though, because 1, he didn't have the ring with him, and 2, it was when he rescuded Amanda after nearly losing her. THAT was a better don't want to miss out on doing this, proposal. Vaughn's just seemed stupid. yes I was yelling that at the tv too.
OH OH OH, I just forgot another great moment.
Man Jack ROCKED tonight.
Ok shutting up now because my brain is slowly oozing out of my ears and I can't remember anyting any more.