As soon as Vaughn asked Syd to marry him in last week's episode I knew something was up! And damnit, I was right!

And what's this crap, "My name's not Michael Vaughn." Holy hell. If they somehow manage to set this up where his face isn't his own either and it comes out that it changes because of the car crash . . . man, I'm gonna be ticked.

They can't keep Nadia sedated for long. I've heard rumors that the character will have a more active role in the next season due to Garner being pregnant.

Lena Olin rocks! I've so missed her character on the show. It was very touching to see her and Syd at the end. And, not so surprising to see Jack let her go either.

Ahh man... - Bianca
Ahh woman... - Pat

Bianca & Patrick ~ September 30, 2006