top napster clones according to me:

  • winmx - widely used, lots of songs and a good search filter. also has pics, videos, porn, zip files, etc.

  • audiogalaxy - uses little resources (y'dont have to defrag your HD every frickin minute), lots of songs

  • bearshare - not as good as it used to be, but, this was the first one everyone went to the first time napster exploded. still some good stuff.

  • morpheus - clean, lots of users

  • imesh - good stuff for searchin (mp3s, videos, etc), but REALLY hard on your HD.

  • edonkey - similar to imesh, good stuff for searchin (mp3s, videos, etc), but REALLY hard on your HD.

  • kazaa - excellent interface! sorta like a windows search. very low drag on your HD. not as many search results as winmx, tho

there ya go!

over all, id say winmx and/or kazaa are the way to go.