Ultimates 2 #1
Uncanny X-Men 453
Superman/Batman 15
Spider-girl 81
Exiles 55
Outsiders 18
Detecive Comics 801
Firestorm 8
New Avengers 1
Pretty good stuff this week.Like Grimm said,Avengers #1 was better than Disassembled.
Ultimates 2 would be my pick of the week though.Everything in that book was great.
Outsiders is leaving me uncertain about continuing that title,I've never been a fan of celebrty "guest-stars" in comics & the whole John Walsh storyline seems pretty weak to me but I'll see how it plays out & maybe be surprised.
Firestorm has so far been decent but is still lacking some direction.Hopefully with Killer Frost and Firehawk in the title,things will come together.
As Glacier16 stated,Detecive Comics was very good.A great story to jump on board the title.