
the G-man said:

Nowhereman said:Keep the likes of Cameron & Tarantino away from Bond,they will try to make Bond into a CIA agent or something to Americanise Bond.

And your basis for saying that is... ?


As for the Brocolis........after 33 years of success,why the hell should anyone else get the franchise?

Sometimes you need to look at things through fresh eyes. Sure the franchise still makes money, but adjusted for inflation, not like it used to.

Why must a series that is essentially British,have a Hollywood style director?
A Hollywood style director would just turn it into a Hollywood style action movie.
Nothing wrong with Hollywood action movies,but then Bond might as well be called XXX!

Point with the Brocolis is that Fleming was the guy who created Bond & the Brocolis were the ones he wanted to have the movie rights.
Has the Bond franchise ever suffered under them?
I dont think so.
The fact is they have an understanding of Bond that would more than likely be lost if given to anyone else.
If it aint broke,dont fix it!