IGN also has more info on the cards:


22 Jedi Knights to the Rescue – Obi-Wan and Anaking infiltrate the droid battle fleet over Coruscant to rescue the abducted chancellor.

25 Facing an Old Enemy – Anakin must duel Count Dooku, who holds Palpatine hostage.

28 Count Dooku's Execution – Anakin wins the fight, obviously.

30 "What about Plan 'B'?"

33 Dueling with General Grievous – The leader of the droid army shows up and proves to be more than a match for Anakin and Obi-Wan.

36 Dream... or Premonition – Could this be related to Anakin's coming betrayal?

39 Heir to the Future – Padme is pregnant!

40 Conferring with the Counsel – The Jedi know the galaxy is on the edge of chaos and tyranny.

41 The Secret of Eternal Life – Palpatine's dark secret for unending domination through the use of clones is shown.

44 The Rampaging Wheel – This one remains a mystery.

46 Vanquishing Grievous – One more enemy down!

47 Arresting the Chancellor – The Jedi seem to be on the verge of saving the Republic.

48 A Sith Lord Revealed – Palpatine proves to be more than a mere politician.

50 The Jedi Betrayed – Palpatine makes his move.

51 Unstoppable Clones! – And you really thought that enormous army was here to keep the peace?

52 Planet of the Wookiees – The galactic embroglio engulfs a world of peaceful jungle-dwellers.

55 The Sith Apprentice – Anakin's seduction begins.

57 Slaughter of the Separatists – A brilliant political and military victory for the chancellor! The Jedi are perhaps turned into scapegoats, portrayed as ineffective guardians or even a threat to the ongoing security of the Republic.

58 His Mad Reign Begins – Chancellor Palpatine becomes Emperor.

61 War of the Jedi – The Jedi must fight for survival.

63 Struggle in the Senate – Not all senators approve of Palpatine's stringent measures, but enough do.

66 Anakin's Fiery Fate – Anakin is defeated at the hands of Obi-Wan. His betrayal is complete.

68 The Birth of Luke and Leia

69 More Machine than Man – Anakin is reborn as a tool of the Dark Side.

71 Dark Days, Brighter Tomorrows – The Emperor has won, but the resistance lives on, waiting for a chance to restore freedom to the galaxy.

72 Saving Luke Skywalker – The son of Skywalker is hidden away from Vader and the Emperor.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.