Here's the IGN article that came with those pics:

Sith News, Photos and Artwork


There's so much to see as the movie draws closer.

February 16, 2005 - It's time for another visual update on Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The latest bounty to hit the Web starts with a batch of fresh movie screenshots, which can also be seen at Dark Horizons. The versions on our Media Page have been enhanced a bit, since the originals are quite dark. One of the new photos – showing Obi-Wan and Anakin with lightsabers drawn – also appears in print in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.

The photo-fest continues with a Hyperspace Behind-the-Scenes installment showing Jimmy Smits as Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan driving a "getaway speeder" through the airspace of Coruscant.

The Hyperspace site also has some tantalizing artwork from Revenge of the Sith. One piece shows an unnamed Jedi fleeing gigantic crystal worms on a planet called Mygeeto. Non-subscribers can't view the artwork, but imagine a swarm of huge, multi-fanged worms not unlike the sandworms in Dune and you'll get the picture. According to the packaging of one ROTS toy, Mygeeto is the planet where Jedi master Ki-Adi-Mundi battles the separatist forces. The official site has also described Mygeeto as world of ash-covered ruins appearing briefly in Episode III.

A second piece of art from Hyperspace shows two Republican lagoon troopers wading through a swamp. They're clearly a variant of clone troopers, and they look an awful lot like the stormtroopers of A New Hope.

Speaking of toys, has a photo of the Jedi Master Shaak Ti action figure. We saw Shaak Ti engaged in battle with fearsome General Grievous at the end of the last Clone Wars season; presumably, this action figure means she survived and appears in Revenge of the Sith.

Moving on to news on the plot developments of the third prequel, the official site has revealed various details in a series of articles covering the film's musical score. In Con Anima, a part is mentioned in which Anakin's quick thinking and a clever feat by Artoo-Detoo save the day.

"I'm always partial to the busy strings that add the urgency to the music. In this case, they're portraying Obi-Wan's urgency, his decidedly unJedi-like [sic] panic at the maliciously manic buzz droids crawling over his vessel. When Anakin improvises a solution – and Artoo-Detoo has a moment to shine – the iconic 'Rebel starship fanfare' plays on the brass."

It's also revealed that C-3PO has the last line of ROTS, providing another bridge to A New Hope, in which he has the first line.

In a second article, An Energetic Start, we get details of the film's fight scenes, including the reckless, determined struggle that rages between Obi-Wan and Anakin near the end and the "knuckle-dusting brawl" that occurs earlier between the two Jedi and General Grievous. The refrains accompanying the fight between the two friends are described as tragic and operatic, while the musical backdrop to the Grievous battle is like the Imperial AT-AT music in The Empire Strikes Back, but more up-tempo.

There's even an emotional moment for Darth Sidious, accompanied by soft chime music. "Think of it as church bells gone wrong," says composer John Williams in describing the piece.

The third article gives us a feel for the bittersweet ending of Revenge of the Sith.

"With the end of Episode III serving double-duty as a finale to the entire saga, but also the end of the first trilogy, the end credits are slightly different this time around. They contain a major piece of music that otherwise has no place in Episode III.

"After the fanfare of the main theme dies down, the glide of a harp segues into Princess Leia's theme, now indelibly associated with peacefulness of Alderaan, one of the closing worlds of Revenge of the Sith."

Stay tuned for more Revenge!

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.