
King Snarf said:
As for Jean pulling this elaborate stunt to get Ray back when she could've just asked him, my response is this- She's a woman. Women are known to make rash, illogical decisions, especially when it comes to relationships. Kudos to Meltzer for not being afraid to show women as the unstable creatures they are.

Kudos, to you to!

I loved this series. I kept away from the net, so I had no idea it was Jean. DAv and Frank sewed the seeds that Atom might get it, when the series started - So when reading #7, I was really worried that Atom could be the killer and if he wasn't, then he could be killed!

Absolutely loved Rags art throughout, in #7 the Batman/Flash JLA scene.

To those who wanted more plotlines resolved......, I don't know, but I was never under any impression that they would be, all I knew, was the killer would be revealed at the end! Lets face it, would you want the Batman plot resolved within this seven issue mini series. This is....hopefully...going to be some big shit! And, maybe Bats wasn't so crazy to have done what he did in the Towers of Babel JLA story!

Best SUPERHERO mini-series of the year? Best SUPERHERO Mini series in the last 10 years!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!