Quote: whomod said: Yep. All of the criticism is just nitpicking. I wasn't reading it for the whodunnit aspect. I was reading it because this was a whole new feel for the DCU. It was certainly refreshing to not pick up a final event issue that didn't involve the entire DCU pointing at some energy vortex in the sky and then blasting in unison with their eye beams and finger beams while Superman alone does battle with the cosmic heavy that (again *yawn*) threatens the Universe/reality/time.
The new "feel" of the DC Universe to me, was the point. I certainly didn't want it all wrapped up and resolved/forgotten in one final orgasmicgraphic issue.
Quote: Dave said: Oh, c'mon. We don't read these things for intelligence. We all want Superman and Captain Atom and Martian Manhunter to blast the evil terror with eyebeams, heroically exhausting themselves, as a stereotypical conclusion to a meandering and pointless plotline which zigzags from title to title.
People who want characterisation in their comics should go and read a novel! There is no place for any of that stuff here!
Just have Dan Jurgens draw this and my utter disinterest and boredom will be complete!