Chant's car races through the country roads. He finally reaches the barn and screeches to a halt. Creeping out of the van, Chant sneakily sneaks into the house. He rounds a corner and spots a man staring straight at him.
Chant (dropping to his knees and covering his head): Gah! Don't hurt me! I'm unarmed!
After a few seconds Chant notices the man is unmoved. He moves in closer and notices why.
Chant: It's The Time Trust! Seems he's shut himself down for the night. A good thing.... FOR HIM! As I was just about to unleash a fury of pain upon him, the likes of which he has never seen! Well, what say we get you back to that time machine, eh?
Suddenly TTT's eyes shoot open
The Time Trust: Huh?
Chant: Ahhh! Chant pulls out a mail sack and quickly stuffs TTT in.
The JLR jumps awake at the two screams. Alex pops up from the hay, and, forgetting the die still in his hands, he drops them and lets them roll to the ground. Instantly he transforms and takes the shape of a giant ogre named Mungo. His huge form runs toward the screams crashing through a wall. The other members stampede out the doors and through the halls, arriving just in time to see Chant standing outside of a huge hole blown in the wall.
Chant: Afraid you're too late JLR. You're not stopping me today, tomorrow, or even YESTERDAY!
Chant raises his finger in exclamation and jumps into his van giggling as he speeds away.
SpandexMonkeyMan: Come on guys we can still catch him!
All the newer members jump to follow after Spandex, but Wednesday stops them.
Wednesday: *sigh of relief* Don't worry about a thing guys it was just Chant.
Ace, RM and La Machine (crashing out of the next room, striking battle poses): Hi-YA! Kya!
Wednesday: Whoa, hey guys, it's okay. False alarm. Just Chant again.
Ace, RM and La Machine (slumping out of battle poses): Aww....
Stupid Dogg: Wait a minute, who's Chant?
Ace: Oh, he's just one of the regular rogues we have. Have any of you newbies seen the new dossiers I've made for our villains?
Brit: Oh lord, not the dossiers

Ace: Yep, see; here's.... The Amazing Harry, Bundy Bear, Toxic Bob (he's reformed now), and here on page four is Chant, a.k.a. The Mailmaster of Mayhem, a.k.a. The Postman of Pain, a.k.a. The Disgruntled Deliverer of Destruction.
SpandexMonkeyMan: Um, Ace, these are crayon drawings
Ace: I know! It looks just like him doesn't it!
Centurian (gruffly, through his transformed body): Hey, wait, if this guy is one of our enemies shouldn't we be stopping him?
The senior members all look at each other pondering.
JLR: Nah.
Registered Member 552: Like we said, it's just Chant. Whatever it is he's up to, I'm sure it can wait until morning. Plus, we all really need our sleep.
Fused: But he has Triple T.
Britannica: I'm certain he can take care of himself. Time and time again, Chant has gone up against us with one crazy scheme or another and he's always failed miserably in the end. Now I wouldn't discredit him at all, but, well, history seems to have a habit of repeating itself with Chant.