Back in the van, Chant pulls up to his secret hideout while TTT talks to him through the mailsack over his head.
The Time Trust: So what was your name again?
Chant: I AM CHANT, a.k.a. The Mailmaster of Mayhem, a.k.a. The Postman of Pain, a.k.a. The Disgruntled Deliverer of Destruction.
The Time Trust: Well, nice to meet you Chant I am--
The Time Trust: Yes, ummm... a.k.a. TTT or perhaps Triple T if you like that better. So may I ask you a question?
Chant: You just did.
The Time Trust: Oh, yes, I suppose I did. Well, then may I ask you two questions including this one then?
Chant: Hmmm.... sure!
The Time Trust: Is there any particular reason you've kidnapped me?
Chant: I'm so glad you asked Triple T. Yes as a matter of fact there is a reason for your kidnapping. You see you are going to be powering this....
Chant pulls a blanket away from a big machine
Chant: ....time machine so I can go back in time and destroy the JLR. Admittedly, it's no flying Delorian, but it will do.
The Time Trust: And what if I don't agree to power your machine?
Chant: Unfortunately for you, you don't have a say in the matter. This little wire here will be used to absorb all the power I'll need from you.
Chant takes the wire and sticks it into a very sensitive area.
The Time Trust: OW!
Chant: Now if you'll pardon me, I must go rewrite history.

Chant jumps on the machine sets the date and pulls the lever. Electricity jolts from TTT as the machine soaks up more and more of his power.
Then with a poof Chant is gone.
The time machine lands almost two years in the past, to the exact day Starsky Hutch created that oh so fateful thread.