Through the following hours Alex and Wednesday go over battle plans, try to think up where the other members might be and Wednesday reminisces on his older days.

Wednesday- ...Yeah I've really missed it. I guess I never should have really left the game but some things just happen, y'know.

Alex- Yeah well I must say it is good to have you back. I'm gonna have to stop for gas. You want anything?

Wednesday- Oh, just pick me up a coffee and a newspaper. Thanks.

Alex pulls into the gas station and picks up the supplies. Climbing back into the car he hands the things to Wednesday.

Alex- Here ya go. I got us some more food and drinks too.

Wednesday sipping his coffee- Ahhh, thanks kid. So, where are we headed now? The other members gotta be around here somewhere right?

Alex- Yeah the only problem is finding out where they are now. I got lucky finding you. I doubt I'll get that lucky again.

Wednesday- Well, I'm sure well find them somehow...

With that he flips open the sports section of the newspaper. Alex looks his way as his eyes stop cold on a picture on the front page. Specifically they stop on one certain person in the picture.

Alex- Wednesday stop! Hand me the paper!

He flips to the page and sees a picture of the Nets playing ball. On the sidelines stands a very powerful and rich looking man in an expensive suit.

Alex- Do you know who this is?!?

-he says in disbelief.

Wednesday- Yeah that's the Nets owner.

Alex- The owner? No, that's La Machine one of the JLR members.

Wednesday- Jesus, you mean I was actually teammates with that asshole?

Alex- What? Asshole...?

Wednesday- Yeah that guys a jackass!

Alex- What are you talking about? How the hell could he even afford to buy the team!?!

Wednesday sighs annoyed- About two years ago this guy gets hurt at one of the Nets games. Struck by lightning. So he ends up suing the stadium for all of his damages and personal anguish and all that crap and actually wins. But that's not the worst part. He uses all of the money he wins to buy the team. Everyone has hated him since, especially with the team turning to shit. It's like he bought just for the attention and the status it gives him. Makes me sick just thinking about him.

Alex- Well we've got to see him.

Wednesday with a laugh- Yeah, I doubt you'd be one of the first ones to wanna "see him". He's got a lot of enemies now. And his securities tighter than the Presidents. But...

Alex- But what....

Wednesday- Well if it's the game you wanna go to I actually do have some season tickets. Me and a buddy from work bought 'em together. Went halves on 'em. We can stop on by his place and pick 'em up if you want. His names Bob. A great guy. I'm sure he'd be willing to help

Alex- Wait, you say his name is Bob?

Wednesday- Yeah... Why?

Alex- He doesn't happen to own a tractor trailer does he?

Wednesday- Hmph? A tractor trailer? No, not that I know of, why?

Alex- Oh, uh, no reason. So what are you doing back there?

Wednesday- Changing into my old suit. Ooo there's his house right over there. Pull over.

The car pulls to a stop and the two heroes get out.

Wednesday- Check it out! The suit still fits. Whaddya think?

Wednesdays stomach bulges out of the shirt and the sleeves once fit to be skin tight now wrap around Wednesdays meaty arms bone tight.Alex stares in amazement that the spandex doesn't give way.

Alex- Honestly? I think it's time you went on a diet.

Wednesday- Heeey!