Knock knock knock
The door to a house eeriely similiar to Wednesdays opens up to our two reluctant heroes. On the other side of the door stands a short stocky rather average looking man, yet somehow looking very familiar to Alex.
Man- Jason! Whats up man?
Wednesday- Heya Bob.
Bob- What brings you here man? And who's your little friend there?
-he says pointing out Alex.
Wednesday- Hmm? Oh yeah, him! His names Cent- uh... I mean Alex. His names Alex.
Suddenly a lightbulb flashes in Centurians head.
Alex- You- You're- You're Toxic Bob!
Bob- Hahaha! How'd you know my old college nickname?
Wednesday looks with complete surprise over at Alex.
Bob- Let me guess... You went to Allstate University right? Probably heard of mine and "Wednesdays" little adventures from when we went there together right?
Alex- Uh... Yeah, you got me.
Bob- Well don't just stand there guys. Come on in.
Bob walks out of the doorway and back in the house.
Wednesday holds back Alex whispering into his ear- I'm guessing you didn't really go to Allstate.
Alex- No...
Wednesday- Then how did you-?
Alex- Back in the League. This guy must've been one of your old enemies. I saw a picture in the Leagues dossier files.
Wednesday- I thought you said the League was really poor.
Alex- Really really poor...
Wednesday- So how could they afford to make dossier files for all of their villians?
Alex- Well technically they're crayon drawings, but they are very life-like.
Wednesday thinks for a minute- So Bob was a bad guy huh?
Alex- Yeah... Oh, but hey! He was reformed.
Wednesday- ...Well thats good.
Bob from inside- You guys coming in or not.
The heroes walk inside and keep up a conversation with Bob while Bob demonstrates for the two just how he got his old college nickname- several times. Finally after reminising old times with Alex they bring up the reason they're there leaving out no detail.
Wednesday- So you see Bob we need those tickets so we can get to La Machine to help us stop Chant from ever taking over the world.
Bob stares blankly at the two of them.
Alex- Bob? You okay, Bob?
Bob- Bwhah-ha-ha-ha... Oh man
Bob wipes a tear from his eyes.
Bob- If you guys want to go to the game, just say so. You don't have to make up some crazy story. Hahaha.
Wednesday- Umm... We- want to go to the game...
Bob- There. Now that wasn't so hard now was it. Here ya go. I got 'em right in my wallet.
Bob pulls out his wallet and grabs the tickets handing them to Wednesday.
Alex- Oh this is great! Thank you so much.
Bob- Geez. Kid sure seems excited huh?
Wednesday- Yeah, it really means a lot to him. Thanks man...
Wednesday starts to think about one of his closest and oldest friends becoming a villian, fighting against him.
Wednesday- Hey Bob, maybe you could come with us, y'know.
Bob- ...Sorry, only two tickets there man.
Wednesday nods it off silently biting his lower lip.
Wednesday- Yeah... Well, I guess we should be off then. Theres a lot ahead of us. You sure you won't come along with us?
Bob- You're really serious about this aren't you?
Wednesday- Yeah, I guess I am. I mean, I never really questioned my position in life. My family, my friends, my job. I kinda just went with the flow and accepted everything. But now the more I think about it the more I'm starting to realize something's not right, something's missing, and I think this might be it.
Bob- I'm sorry man but I just got too good a thing here. But good luck.
Bob holds out a hand for Wednesday to shake. He grabs at the hand and pulls it in close to his chest for a hug. A little surprised Bob picks up his other hand around Wednesday and hugs back tight.
Bob- I'll see ya, man.
Wednesday whispering- No... you won't
Alex and Wednesday head back out to the car to get ready for the big Nets game tomorrow night.