
Hybrid said:
Back at the Pancake Paradise, the team solemnly finishes up their meal and heads back to the Farmhouse of Justice.

Hybrid: This is the JLR's glorious estate?

Fused: Seems a little less glorious than the picture in the brochure.

Britannica: Yes, and well, we're not quite used to this many members. I'm afraid we'll be a bit cramped until we can readjust. Of course, there is and open bedroom. If anyone would like to stay there they're free to it.

Stupid Dogg: Whoa! You mean stay in CJ's old room? No way, I'd rather sleep on the floor.

SpandexMonkeyMan: Yes I agree. I feel it'd be a bit disrespectful to stay in CJ's room.

Wednesday: Well then unfortunately for you, sleeping out here is your only other option.

Hybrid: Oooh! I call the haystack

Registered Member 552: All right guys--

Nuriko: *ahem*

Registered Member 552: Oh, right. Wasn't really expecting that.... Anyways "people" it's been a very long night, so let's just try to get some sleep, okay? We'll try to sort more of this out tomorrow. I'll see you then.

Meanwhile, Chant sorts through hundreds of thousands of ripped open packages, files, and inventions--designs, plans, and blueprints with such crazy inventions as a De-Toaster to a Remote Controlled Pogo Stick

Chant: Come on, come on. There has to be one here somewhere...

Clerk: Are you certain you should be back here, Mr..... Chantsen, was it?

Chant: Yes, yes of course. I am a mailman, aren't I? And I'm just delivering some mail, right?

Clerk: Well I suppose, but--

Chant: Let's see. Yes, yes this is it! A time machine. I've finally found it.

He notices a piece of paper on the side of the box.

Chant: What's this? Some assembly required? SON OF A-

Well, best get started...

So Lever A fits into Console G

Some time later

Chant: *sigh* Finished!

Chant jumps onto the machine and sets the coordinates for November 18, 2002

Chant: The time for my success is PAST!

Chant pulls down on the lever and CH-Pbbthhhh!

Chant: Huh? Augh! Now what?!?!

Clerk: It seems that there's still a part missing, sir.

Chant: Where? I followed those blasted instructions perfectly. Give that to me!

He snatches the plans out of the clerks hands and reads the fine print: Time Frequency Tuner Required. Sold Separately.

Chant: GAH! Where the bloody hell am I supposed to get a time freque- Wait a second!

He reaches into his mailsack (male sack, tee-hee) and pulls out Hook's old crystal ball.

Chant: Crystal ball, replay that message from before.

Suddenly the ball flashes like a TV screen coming to life.

Ace: ...He couldn't sense her living anywhere in the timestream.

Chant: Aha! This new Time Trust member of their team must be in tune with the time frequency. Perhaps I can use his abilities to power the time machine. But first I'll have to catch him. HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA!

He lets the last "Ha" drag a bit too long and a bit uncomfortably.

Clerk: Um.... yeah, anyways, you're really not allowed to park that thing in here....

The clerk motions to Chant's truck, parked in the new hole through the side of the building

Clerk: ...and I'm really starting to doubt that you're supposed to be back here at all.

Chant: That's ok! I got what I came for.

He hops into his truck and backs out at breakneck speed.

Back at the Estate of Justice, one of our heroes sits still awake and frustrated on the phone.

Alex (Centurian): Mom, mom, no listen I know it's late. Well, technically it's early but-- What? Ma, no I-I wasn't talking back to you -Alright, alright, then I was talking back to you, okay? I apologize. Look, Mom I just called to tell you I was staying with the JLR tonight. You remember, the group of superheroes I was with earlier. Yeah that was Wednesday that gave you his number. Yeah, haha, he sure is, isn't he? I'm at their Farmhouse of Justice. What? No, of course I'm not kidding. Okay? All right. Love you too Mom. Bye.

Alex hangs up the phone and turns to see the android still up.

Alex (Centurian): Oh I'm sorry. I didn't wake you did I?

The Time Trust: No, no just couldn't recharge with everything that's happening. All of this CJ business is a bit unsettling.

Alex (Centurian): Yeah it's been kinda hard on me too.

The Time Trust: No, that's not what I mean. While it has been sad for all of us there's no reason I shouldn't be able to locate her within the time pops.

Alex (Centurian): *sigh* Who knows? Anyways, I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Night.

The Time Trust: Goodnight. Oh, Alex, by the way, I found your dice lying on the floor.

TTT hands over the dice to Alex.

The Time Trust: You know you shouldn't just leave them lying around like that. You never know who could get their hands on them. If I were you I'd keep those things very close to me.

Alex (Centurian): Yeah thanks. See ya tomorrow.

The Time Trust: Mm-hmm.

Alex tip-toes between the sleeping members at his feet and makes his way to a small clump of hay. Gathering it up to make a bed, he drifts off to sleep with the dice still in his hands.

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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