Grabbing for air the two fall into the open chasm. Falling for what seems forever they both land hard onto a slide and slip down to an opening. The slide spits them out into an alley behind the building. Alex falls and lands with a thumb into an open dumpster full of garbage. Wednesday slams into the side of the dumpster and rolls to the ground
Wednesday: Ooof! Krsshh!
Alex pushes aside a stray pizza box and looks around for his teamate: Wednesday?
Wednesday: Aaa. Down here.
Alex: Are you alright?
Picking up a piece of glass and looking at it: Well... I think I landed on some broken glass but other than that.
Wednedsay: Good. Look, I think if we can just get back up there we might be able to convince him to come along.
Wednesday: Call me crazy, but I don't really think he wanted to help us.
Voice: Alright Crazy, you can call me Leroy.
Wednesday: Um, Alex are you feeling alright?
Alex: That wasn't me?
Wednesday: But then who-
CHK- Whirrrrrrrrrr.....
Monotone recording: The. Cow. Goes-
Wednesday: What in the-
Wednesday climbs up and helps Alex out of the dumpster. Slowly they come to the corner of wall and look down the alley. Rounding the corner they come across a cardboard box, a pair of legs poking out wagging about wildly, the rest of the man hidden by the shadows.
Alex- Who- who's in there?
Voice: Colonel Mustard, in the box, with the deck of cards!
Wednesday: Alex, c'mon, let's get out of here. This guy looks a little disturbed. I think it may be best if we just leave him alone.
Alex: Wait, that voice... a deck of cards? Ace? Ace, is that you?