Alex- That’s amazing! You can use these to see into the future?
Ace- Among other things, yes.
Alex- Other things...?
Ace swings his card behind his back and throws it forward in one fluid movement. The card whizzes by Alex and slices into the ground between two of Wednesdays fingers.
Wednesday- Oow!
Wednesday screams before he realizes he wasn’t even hit at all. Then looking down he notices the card has cut clean through his wedding ring. Wednesdays face freezes in shock.
Alex- Whoa!
Ace- Eh, it looked bad on you anyways.
Not believing his eyes Wednesday picks up his hand and searches for some kind of scratch, cut, knick, or scuff. Finally...
Wednesday- Alright, he can join.
Ace- Yipee!
Wednesday- So any other talents you wanna let us in on?
Ace-The cards also helped me to make these...
Ace reaches back into his box and pulls out an old torn journal. Opening it Ace shows the two of them the inside. Scrawled across the first page bright and vibrant is the JLR emblem written in big bold letters. Turning the page Alex’s interest peaks. Drawn on the page sits a picture of La Machine so detailed it looks like a photograph. Turning the page again he sees another drawing of Midnight just as detailed as the first. Flipping through the journal Alex sees a photo with bits and pieces of info on every member of the team.
Ace- It’s my dossiers. That’s French!
Wednesday- Hey, they’re crayon drawings!
Alex- But they’re incredibly lifelike... Ace, buddy, pal, this is incredible. Every member. And we even have little info here in the corner. Do you know what this means? We can actually find the others! We can use this info to find the others!
Great. Now we’ve got three. And La Machine-
Ace- LA MACHINE! Hmmph! High atop his ivory tower, drunk on his wealth and high on his power.
Alex- Hey, that rhymes.
Ace- Yes. Let me worry about LA MACHINE!
Ace jumps up preparing to take off when-
Oh, by the way, while he has been a wee bit on the rude side, I think it only fair to warn your friend that he’s sitting in my toilet.
Alex- Eww... trust me I think it best he doesn’t know.
Ace- Eh, whatever. I’ll be back.
Suddenly Ace jumps onto the garbage dumpster and climbs straight up to the slide that spit them out minutes ago. He quickly disappears into the shadows of the tunnel.
Alex- Whoa! Look at him go! He’s like a little monkey.
Wednesday- Heh. And he smells like one too. Heh heh.
Suddenly SHWWWWP!
Out of the shadows flies another card thwacking Wednesday right across the head.
Wednesday- Oww! Hey ya jackass!
Alex- Haha. Oh, just drop it “toilet boy.”
Wednesday- “Toilet Boy.” What’s that supposed to mean?
Getting up and looking down at himself- Oh Jesus, I got mud all over my suit.
Alex- Ha yeah sure you did.