Back in the tunnel Ace amazingly continues climbing the impossibly steep slide with little or no trouble. In no time he makes it to the now closed trapdoor. Through the thin door he can still hear La Machine laughing.
Flipping a card into the gears he breaks the trapdoors looks. Then slipping his fingers slowly through the cracks of the door he pries it open and darts through unseen by La. He quietly walks over and takes a seat at the chair in front of La’s desk where he sits counting money.
Ace, conversationally- This life does not suit you La. I believe, in fact it has corrupted your very being.
La, looking up surprised- ‘Da hell?!?
La jumps straight up in his chair and tosses his money into the air. Then as if remembering that its money, he reaches out to grab it and pulls it closer to him. Regaining his composure he glances up again and recognizes the face.
La- Ah Jesus, you again? What is this, the sixth time you’ve broken in here?
Ace- Seventh, actually.
Ace picks up the stack of business cards La has on his desk and fingers it feeling the durability. Then he shoves the cards deep into his pockets.
La- Mm-hmm. Well, I had thought my security had taken care of you the last time. They’ll be dealt with. After they get rid of you this time that is!
La slams down onto a button to signal the security one millisecond to late. One of Ace’s tarot card flies from his hand at lightning quick speed. Sparks fly erratically from the frayed wires.
La- Shit! Security! You’re fucking dead bum!
Ace- Not today I’m not.
As he says it, he jumps from his chair, landing on one foot, using the other to kick the chair across the room, sliding it into the doorknobs, jamming it shut. The guards run to the room in response to the yells, but as they reach the door all that is heard is the thump of them running into the blocked door. A moment later a second thump as they hit the floor.
Ace lands onto his second foot in a crouched position. Slowly he picks himself up holding his body high and intimidating.
Ace- The JLR needs your help to save the world. Things’re fucked up pretty bad and I know you know it. This was not the lives we were meant to be leading.
La- Yes, and it’s too bad that your pathetic little life turned to shit while mine prospered but as they say that’s life. Now-
Ace- You know, you’re not really such an asshole LM. You’ve just been corrupted by this life. I can tell. Deep down (deep, deep down) you’re a nice guy and this is your chance to prove it to the world. Together we can stop Chant. Unless you want to keep them thinking that way of you.
Ace motions out the window to the scene outside, turned from a halftime show to a full blown riot.
La- And how am I supposed to do that huh? Throw my money at him?
Ace- I know what your accident did to you...
La looks up surprised again- What!?!
Ace- I know that you’re a meta. When those sparks showered over you, you gained the powers of every member of the team. Speed, strength, agility. And this is what you use it on...
La’s face melts from shock to a look of pure shame and regret.
He looks down speaking more to himself than to Ace- You know, it’s not like I didn’t want to try the whole superhero thing. But Chant had already come to power and no one else was ever able or willing to try to stop him. God I wish I had. You’re right, bum, I’ve become a total waste. But it’s too late now. Now that the team is pure shit, I don’t have anymore powers. They’re gone....
Ace flips out a ten of clubs- Actually...
Releasing the card he sends it slicing right through La’s wrist and into the wall on the other side. Frozen in place La looks at his hand still on the wrist. Trembling slightly, the hand falls to the ground leaving a stump at the end of his arm.
La- AAAAUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! You cut off my freakin’ hand!
Ace gets up and grabs La by the detached hand.
Ace- Look you idiot!
Suddenly the stump begins to morph and grow out like a weed in a garden.
Ace- Looks like there were a few powers you didn’t quite pick up on, eh?
La looking down at the growing stump- My God...
Ace- Oh, one more thing-
Ace bends down and picks up the severed hand from the floor. Pulling out a match from his coat pocket, Ace strikes it across La’s desk and throws it into his garbage can along with the hand.
-Those can become quite the nasty little buggers. Trust me.
La grinning ear to ear at his hand- What are we waiting for?
Ace- Now that’s what I like to hear!
Still sparking Ace plucks his Justice Tarot card and pockets it back into the deck- We’ll meet you in the alley then.
Ace jumps back down the trapdoor.