In the limo the team streches out and talks.

Wednesday- Oh. My. God! Is that a mini brewery?!? You have a mini brewery in your fucking limo?!?! Hahahaha!!!

Wednesday pours himself a drink.

La Machine- Haha yes of course. Only the best for me and my teammates. Now what should we do now that we're all here. Talk battle plans and rush to take down Chant?

Alex- Actually.... no. You see we're not all here yet. There's quite a few more to pick up.

La Machine- Alright so who are these other members.

Alex- Here, all we have is this journal.

Alex hands over the journal to La Machine

La Machine- Brittanica.... Di Bat Pho.... Fused.... Fused? Like the DJ, Fused?

Alex- No, like the superhero Fused.

La Machine- No, no this is him. I recognize him from the picture. This guy is hot right now. I actually met him just a while ago.

Alex- Are you kidding me?

La Machine- No completely serious. We had a game of celebrity basketball a few months ago for some charity or whatnot. He was on my team. We kicked so much arse.

Ace- Can you get back in touch with him?

La Machine- Hmmm... I'll have to see what I can do but it shouldn't be a problem. But first I wanna head back to my penthouse to pick up some things.

Wednesday swinging back another glass- Y'know Fused actually has a club in the middle of town. He goes there almost every night when he's not on tour.

Alex- Alright then. We'll make our way into his club tonight. La Machine will ask to see him, and we'll all talk things over with him.

Wednesday drink empty- Shounds lika plan!