The limo pulls to a stop beside the luscious and luxorious Grand Hotel.
La Machine opens the door and one by one they pile out.
Alex whistling- Wow. This place is huge... (looking up) That's a long way up.
Wednesday climbing out of the car and drunkenly tripping over the curb- Oof! Und a long way down a swell.
La Machine- And my suites on top, 50th floor. None of you can fly can you?
Alex- Nope
Ace- Uh-uh...
Wednesday- Not sense lass month...
La Machine- Hmm...
to Ace- I can't fly can I?
Ace shakes his head no.
La Machine- Damn, that would have been a grand entrance... oh well, elevator it is!
A minute later the team is crammed into the elevator with several other hotel guests.
La machine to a rather distinguished looking gentleman with a white curly mustache- Hi. This is my team. We're gonna save the world.
Man- Oh. Is that right?
La Machine- It is indeed!
Suddenly La's stomach starts growling- Grrl
La Machine- Gah!
Ace- Uh oh! Guys cover your noses. Breath through your mouths quick!
Wednesday- Aw gowd!
Alex- Ewwww!
The old man reaches for his nose to late as La Machine squeezes out a Vegi-ball. Within the enclosed elevator with absolutely no ventilation he passes out within seconds.
La Machine- Yahoo! Another super power for me!