Moments later La opens the door to his penthouse suite. The doorway opens up onto a small walkway. To the left is the living room complete with a huge couch, big screen tv, stereo system, an exquisite fireplace, and a gorgeous view of the city. To the right is a hallway leading to the bedrooms and bathroom. Straight ahead through a swinging door is the kitchen and dining room. On the ceiling in the living room is a fancy chandelier.
Alex- Oooo cushy...
Ace- Eh I'd take a cardboard box to this any day.
Wednesday walking over to La's mini bar- Haha... wow look at all the drinks ya gots here. Somebody's an alcoholic. Haha
La Machine- Apparently so...
La Machine- Alright team, I called my designer as well. She's in my room now and promises to have me a great costume in no time at all. So make yourselves at home while I go in and see her.
Wednesday stumbles across the room and plops himself down onto the sofa and grabs for the remote. Missing once, he reaches again and this time grabs hold of it and flips on the tv.
Alex walks to the window and stares out at the view while Ace wanders down the hall.
Alex- Where are you going?
Ace- You heard the man. He said make ourselves at home.
Alex shrugs and continues looking at the view.
Alex- Wednesday, do you really believe we can do this? Do you really think we can stop Chant? I mean, we have no idea what we're doing. None of us has much actual experience on this.
Wednesday- Look kid, things for now seem to be working out just fine. The trick to being a great hero isn't constantly worrying about being able to do the job, it's about simply trying. Your never gonna be able to save every person or stop every disaster. And if you try your either gonna get yourself killed or have a mental breakdown. You gotta take it a step at a time, worry about the little things as they come up. Just be confident that things'll work out.
Alex- Yeah you know something your right Wednesday. Thanks
Wednesday- snore