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Directly following one of the JLR's most heated battles with the CSF, what's left of the team, both old and new, gathers at Pirate Pete's Pancake Paradise at 3 a.m. Licking their wounds, they've won the battle but lost loved ones, and grimly enter the empty restaurant with battle-scars and shredded clothes. Quietly taking a booth the members sit in an uneasy silence. Pirate Pete himself comes up to take their order
Pirate Pete (breaking the silence): Well if it isn't my favorite super-group? What can I get you guys?
Wednesday: Not now, Pete--
Stupid Dogg: Yeah I'll have a shortstack of pancakes, biscuits, and gravy, and... Uh, sorry, these awkward silences kinda make me a little hungry.
Pirate Pete looks around the table surprised and confused
Pirate Pete: Hey, where's that western gal with the fancy boots?
The entire team looks down sad and wordless. Tears begin to form in they eyes of some of the senior members.
Pirate Pete: Ohh... Oh God, I'm sorry, maties. I didn't know....
Midnight: It's alright man
Pirate Pete: Look, uh, foods on the house, alright. Free of charge.
Britannica: Yeah, thanks, Pete. But you better wait a while on the order, ok.
Pirate Pete: Sure, sure, I understand.
Fused: Well at least we won, you know? Couldn't have done it without her.
Registered Member 552 (a bit harsher than intended): Kind of a hollow victory, dont'cha think?
Hybrid: Hey at least he's trying to stay on the positive side.
Alex (Centurian): You know, maybe she's not really dead. She only popped away, right? Maybe she just--
Ace: No! You know what The Time Trust said. He couldn't sense her living anywhere in the timestream. She only exists in the past now...
Alex (Centurian): Yeah... I guess I just miss her. I know I didn't know her quite as long as most of you but when I was with her, it was great. It was like I'd known her all my life.
SpandexMonkeyMan: I guess it was like that for all of us.
Britannica: Yeah. You know I still remember the first time us senior members all met. The Starsky Hutch thread. The very beginning of the JLR. November 20, 2002
Unbeknownst to the JLR at that very moment, Chant, hidden in his impenetrable mail truck in an faraway but undisclosed location, listens in on their conversation
Chant: Lucky thing Hook mailed this crystal ball back to their hideout or I might never have stumbled across it.
Registered Member: Man if it wasn't for that one poster the JLR would have never existed.... but I suppose a few more of its members may still be around....
The JLR lower their heads in grief again.
Chant looks distracted. Then he whispers...
Chant: CJ...
Quickly regaining his composure he shakes the thoughts out of his head and continues with his scheming.
Chant: Of course! That's it. If I could just find some way to change the past; to stop that thread from ever being created, the JLR would never be. And if the JLR would never be, Chant would never be stopped. It's brilliant! Hmph, now all I require is some means into the past.
20 minutes of Chants eyes rolled back, tongue sticking out, and a pencil tapping on the dashboard later...
Chant: Dammit!
Chant slams his hands down and a sack of mail tips over and mail rains down on his head. He grabs at one of the falling letters and studies it
Chant: Hmmm.... Hello, hello what's all this then? Yes that will do rather nicely.
Chant pitches the letter to the ground revealing the address.
Chant: Next stop, THE U.S. PATENTS OFFICE!!!
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Back at the Pancake Paradise, the team solemnly finishes up their meal and heads back to the Farmhouse of Justice.
Hybrid: This is the JLR's glorious estate?
Fused: Seems a little less glorious than the picture in the brochure.
Britannica: Yes, and well, we're not quite used to this many members. I'm afraid we'll be a bit cramped until we can readjust. Of course, there is and open bedroom. If anyone would like to stay there they're free to it.
Stupid Dogg: Whoa! You mean stay in CJ's old room? No way, I'd rather sleep on the floor.
SpandexMonkeyMan: Yes I agree. I feel it'd be a bit disrespectful to stay in CJ's room.
Wednesday: Well then unfortunately for you, sleeping out here is your only other option.
Hybrid: Oooh! I call the haystack
Registered Member 552: All right guys--
Nuriko: *ahem*
Registered Member 552: Oh, right. Wasn't really expecting that.... Anyways "people" it's been a very long night, so let's just try to get some sleep, okay? We'll try to sort more of this out tomorrow. I'll see you then.
Meanwhile, Chant sorts through hundreds of thousands of ripped open packages, files, and inventions--designs, plans, and blueprints with such crazy inventions as a De-Toaster to a Remote Controlled Pogo Stick
Chant: Come on, come on. There has to be one here somewhere...
Clerk: Are you certain you should be back here, Mr..... Chantsen, was it?
Chant: Yes, yes of course. I am a mailman, aren't I? And I'm just delivering some mail, right?
Clerk: Well I suppose, but--
Chant: Let's see. Yes, yes this is it! A time machine. I've finally found it.
He notices a piece of paper on the side of the box.
Chant: What's this? Some assembly required? SON OF A-
Well, best get started...
So Lever A fits into Console G
Some time later
Chant: *sigh* Finished!
Chant jumps onto the machine and sets the coordinates for November 18, 2002
Chant: The time for my success is PAST!
Chant pulls down on the lever and CH-Pbbthhhh!
Chant: Huh? Augh! Now what?!?!
Clerk: It seems that there's still a part missing, sir.
Chant: Where? I followed those blasted instructions perfectly. Give that to me!
He snatches the plans out of the clerks hands and reads the fine print: Time Frequency Tuner Required. Sold Separately.
Chant: GAH! Where the bloody hell am I supposed to get a time freque- Wait a second!
He reaches into his mailsack (male sack, tee-hee) and pulls out Hook's old crystal ball.
Chant: Crystal ball, replay that message from before.
Suddenly the ball flashes like a TV screen coming to life.
Ace: ...He couldn't sense her living anywhere in the timestream.
Chant: Aha! This new Time Trust member of their team must be in tune with the time frequency. Perhaps I can use his abilities to power the time machine. But first I'll have to catch him. HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA!
He lets the last "Ha" drag a bit too long and a bit uncomfortably.
Clerk: Um.... yeah, anyways, you're really not allowed to park that thing in here....
The clerk motions to Chant's truck, parked in the new hole through the side of the building
Clerk: ...and I'm really starting to doubt that you're supposed to be back here at all.
Chant: That's ok! I got what I came for.
He hops into his truck and backs out at breakneck speed.
Back at the Estate of Justice, one of our heroes sits still awake and frustrated on the phone.
Alex (Centurian): Mom, mom, no listen I know it's late. Well, technically it's early but-- What? Ma, no I-I wasn't talking back to you -Alright, alright, then I was talking back to you, okay? I apologize. Look, Mom I just called to tell you I was staying with the JLR tonight. You remember, the group of superheroes I was with earlier. Yeah that was Wednesday that gave you his number. Yeah, haha, he sure is, isn't he? I'm at their Farmhouse of Justice. What? No, of course I'm not kidding. Okay? All right. Love you too Mom. Bye.
Alex hangs up the phone and turns to see the android still up.
Alex (Centurian): Oh I'm sorry. I didn't wake you did I?
The Time Trust: No, no just couldn't recharge with everything that's happening. All of this CJ business is a bit unsettling.
Alex (Centurian): Yeah it's been kinda hard on me too.
The Time Trust: No, that's not what I mean. While it has been sad for all of us there's no reason I shouldn't be able to locate her within the time pops.
Alex (Centurian): *sigh* Who knows? Anyways, I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Night.
The Time Trust: Goodnight. Oh, Alex, by the way, I found your dice lying on the floor.
TTT hands over the dice to Alex.
The Time Trust: You know you shouldn't just leave them lying around like that. You never know who could get their hands on them. If I were you I'd keep those things very close to me.
Alex (Centurian): Yeah thanks. See ya tomorrow.
The Time Trust: Mm-hmm.
Alex tip-toes between the sleeping members at his feet and makes his way to a small clump of hay. Gathering it up to make a bed, he drifts off to sleep with the dice still in his hands.
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Chant's car races through the country roads. He finally reaches the barn and screeches to a halt. Creeping out of the van, Chant sneakily sneaks into the house. He rounds a corner and spots a man staring straight at him.
Chant (dropping to his knees and covering his head): Gah! Don't hurt me! I'm unarmed!
After a few seconds Chant notices the man is unmoved. He moves in closer and notices why.
Chant: It's The Time Trust! Seems he's shut himself down for the night. A good thing.... FOR HIM! As I was just about to unleash a fury of pain upon him, the likes of which he has never seen! Well, what say we get you back to that time machine, eh?
Suddenly TTT's eyes shoot open
The Time Trust: Huh?
Chant: Ahhh! Chant pulls out a mail sack and quickly stuffs TTT in.
The JLR jumps awake at the two screams. Alex pops up from the hay, and, forgetting the die still in his hands, he drops them and lets them roll to the ground. Instantly he transforms and takes the shape of a giant ogre named Mungo. His huge form runs toward the screams crashing through a wall. The other members stampede out the doors and through the halls, arriving just in time to see Chant standing outside of a huge hole blown in the wall.
Chant: Afraid you're too late JLR. You're not stopping me today, tomorrow, or even YESTERDAY!
Chant raises his finger in exclamation and jumps into his van giggling as he speeds away.
SpandexMonkeyMan: Come on guys we can still catch him!
All the newer members jump to follow after Spandex, but Wednesday stops them.
Wednesday: *sigh of relief* Don't worry about a thing guys it was just Chant.
Ace, RM and La Machine (crashing out of the next room, striking battle poses): Hi-YA! Kya!
Wednesday: Whoa, hey guys, it's okay. False alarm. Just Chant again.
Ace, RM and La Machine (slumping out of battle poses): Aww....
Stupid Dogg: Wait a minute, who's Chant?
Ace: Oh, he's just one of the regular rogues we have. Have any of you newbies seen the new dossiers I've made for our villains?
Brit: Oh lord, not the dossiers  ....
Ace: Yep, see; here's.... The Amazing Harry, Bundy Bear, Toxic Bob (he's reformed now), and here on page four is Chant, a.k.a. The Mailmaster of Mayhem, a.k.a. The Postman of Pain, a.k.a. The Disgruntled Deliverer of Destruction.
SpandexMonkeyMan: Um, Ace, these are crayon drawings
Ace: I know! It looks just like him doesn't it!
Centurian (gruffly, through his transformed body): Hey, wait, if this guy is one of our enemies shouldn't we be stopping him?
The senior members all look at each other pondering.
JLR: Nah.
Registered Member 552: Like we said, it's just Chant. Whatever it is he's up to, I'm sure it can wait until morning. Plus, we all really need our sleep.
Fused: But he has Triple T.
Britannica: I'm certain he can take care of himself. Time and time again, Chant has gone up against us with one crazy scheme or another and he's always failed miserably in the end. Now I wouldn't discredit him at all, but, well, history seems to have a habit of repeating itself with Chant.
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Back in the van, Chant pulls up to his secret hideout while TTT talks to him through the mailsack over his head. The Time Trust: So what was your name again? Chant: I AM CHANT, a.k.a. The Mailmaster of Mayhem, a.k.a. The Postman of Pain, a.k.a. The Disgruntled Deliverer of Destruction. The Time Trust: Well, nice to meet you Chant I am-- Chant: THE TIME TRUST! The Time Trust: Yes, ummm... a.k.a. TTT or perhaps Triple T if you like that better. So may I ask you a question? Chant: You just did. The Time Trust: Oh, yes, I suppose I did. Well, then may I ask you two questions including this one then? Chant: Hmmm.... sure! The Time Trust: Is there any particular reason you've kidnapped me? Chant: I'm so glad you asked Triple T. Yes as a matter of fact there is a reason for your kidnapping. You see you are going to be powering this.... Chant pulls a blanket away from a big machine Chant: ....time machine so I can go back in time and destroy the JLR. Admittedly, it's no flying Delorian, but it will do. The Time Trust: And what if I don't agree to power your machine? Chant: Unfortunately for you, you don't have a say in the matter. This little wire here will be used to absorb all the power I'll need from you. Chant takes the wire and sticks it into a very sensitive area. The Time Trust: OW! Chant: Now if you'll pardon me, I must go rewrite history.  Chant jumps on the machine sets the date and pulls the lever. Electricity jolts from TTT as the machine soaks up more and more of his power. Then with a poof Chant is gone. Tshhh... The time machine lands almost two years in the past, to the exact day Starsky Hutch created that oh so fateful thread.
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Suddenly a ripple effect courses out from Chant into the future as he changes the past. The changes spread throughout the world, ultimately reaching the farmhouse. The JLR members pop out of the normal timestream as they're placed into their new lives with in the changed timestream, having no knowledge of what has just happened. All except Alex. Still stuck in the beasts form the ripple wipes away the creature, but due to it's magical properties leaves Alex and his memory intact. He reverts back into his normal self untouched by the effects of the time change. Along with the beasts form Centurians dice fade away into nothingness, leaving him powerless and vulnerable in the new world. The ripples knock Alex out and leave him lying down, not waking for hours.
Alex- YAWN! Ow. My back is killing me. Mmph. Tomorrow night I definitely get a bed. Guys? Anyone else awake yet?
He walks around the barn through the different rooms looking for his teammates.
Alex- Hmm? I guess they all went out somewhere.
Looking around Alex notices the farmhouse has changed a bit.
Alex- Musta done some redecorating too.
Voice- What is all of that racquet coming from my barn? It better not be none o you damned kids again, making out, stealing my tools, causing all sorts of trouble.
Suddenly the barn door swings open revealing the blinding daylight to Alex. Shadowed by the intense light is a small man hauling a small tractor trailer behind him.
Man- You little punk! I warned you what would happen if I caught another one of you snot nosed brats on my land!
The man reaches into his tractor trailer and pulls out what looks to be a shotgun.
Alex- Whoa momma! He yells as he dashes for the nearest window. A shot blasts the wall next to him just as he escapes.
Man- That's right you little bastard! Stay off my land. Next time you'll be dead or my name isn't Bob!
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Alex- What the hell is going on? His property? What did he mean by that?
The wind picks up and blows a newspaper past him. Centurian bends over and picks it up reading the headline.
Alex-What?!?! CSF taken down. Agent Smith still on the loose. World Ruler Chant declares state of emergency. Blames meta-humans.
What is going on? Chants taken over the world? But how? I gotta get help. I have to find the team, see if they know what's up.
Centurian grabs the nearest civilian.
Alex- Excuse me do you have any idea where the JLR might be?
Civilian- The what?
Alex- Not what; who! The JLR. The Justice League Reality.
Civilian- ...and they are...?
Alex- You know. The JLR. The team of superheroes. I'm a member and I need to get in touch with them.
Civilian- Oh a super group, eh? Probably explains why I never heard of'em
Alex- Why's that?
Civilian- You remember. All superhero teams have been disbanded and all superheroes have been imprisoned personally by Chant himself. Where've you been?
Alex- That's what I'd like to know.
Civilian- You-... did say you were a member of this team correct?
Alex- Yeah... why?
Civilian- Chant would pay a pretty high price for a resistant super being such as yourself.
Alex- Uh you know you kinda got some dollar signs in your eye's there. You should probably get that checked out. I've actually got the number of this great optometrist if you're interested.
Civilian- Guards! It's an unco-operative meta!
Alex- Oh shoot! Look at the time. I should probably get going.
Two guards hear the yells and come running for Alex. Running down an alley and turning some corners they come out on another street. Thinking fast, before the guards can see which way Alex goes he ducks into a phonebooth.
Guard 1- Which way did he go?
Guard 2- I think he went this way. Come on, we're gonna lose him.
Alex- *Wheeze* Oh man, I can't keep this up. I need help.
He slouches down to the ground to catch his breath and bangs his head against the glass. The push knocks down a phone book right into his lap.
Alex- That's it! I'll get help.
Alex opens the book searching through the pages.
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Alex- Let's see.... Chant's taken over the world and the JLR doesn't exist anymore along with all other supergroups. It doesn't make sense that no one's even heard of them even if they were captured and imprisoned. It's almost like they've NEVER existed.... But I'm guessing it's members still have!
Alex flips through the the book.
Alex- I'll start with Wednesday.
Looking through all the names Centurian finally spots Wednesdays name. Cent rips out the page and begins hunting down the address. He grabs a taxi and gets a ride.
Driver- Hey pal, where to?
Alex- Let's see..... I need to go to.... 432 Maple Drive
After a short while the taxi drops him off in front of a small home surrounded by a white picket fence in a suburban neighborhood.
Alex- Hey man, you sure this is the right address?
Taxi driver spitting out the window- Hyyyuu-Ck. Yup. 432 Maple Drive.
Alex- Hmmm... Alright. Thanks man.
A small dog barks at Alex as he opens the gate and knocks on the front door. Seconds later a little boy answers the door.
Alex- Hey kiddo, are your parents home?
Kid- Yes....
The kid answers and stands in the doorway staring blankly at Alex
Alex- Could you get them, please.
Kid- MOM!
The kid screams right into Alex's ear.
Just a moment later one of the most beautiful blondes Alex has ever seen comes to the door.
Alex feeling a bit confused and embarrassed- I'm- I'm sorry ma'am. I actually think I might be at the wrong house. Wednesday doesn't by any chance live here does he?
Woman- Oh yes, he's right inside. Would you like to see him?
Alex- ....Ooo-kaaay....
Woman leading Alex into the house- He's in his office now. You can go into the living room and wait for him.
Alex looking around suspiciously and unbelieving- Alright thank you.
Alex looks around the room noticing how similar it looks to his own families living room. "This doesn't seem like Wednesday at all," he thinks to himself. He spots a picture frame with a photograph of sure enough Wednesday and seeming very out of place he stands between the woman and the kid from the door.
A familiar voice coming from the hall- You wanted to see me?
Alex spins around. There stands Wednesday in the doorway wearing a sports jacket and a small pair of glasses.
Alex- Wednesday?
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Wednesday- Oh, ha ha ha ha. Oh, no ones called me that for a while now. Not since my crime fighting days, anyways.
Alex- Huh?
Wednesday- Well yeah. That was my alias as it were. But of course I had to give that up once Chant issued his zero tolerance for vigilantes. So are you my six'o'clock?
Wednesday- You signed up for a session right?
Alex- Umm.. Oh! Yes, a session. Of course. Name's Centurian.
Wednesday- Nice to meet you, Centurian. Well then lets get started.
Alex- Wait a second. I have to know something first. Who was that girl that answered the door before? Sister? Landlord? Maid? Secretary?......... Booty call?
Wednesday- Hahaha. Her? Well she's my wife of course.
Alex's mouth hangs open in shock as he freezes at the sound of the word wife coming out of Wednesday's mouth.
From the kitchen- Dinners ready!
Wednesday- Oh darn. Well, how would you like to stay for supper? We can talk while we eat.
Regaining himself Alex nods his head a little still unable to speak.
Once they all get sat down with their plates Wednesdays wife has everyone bow their heads for prayer.
Alex whispers to himself- This is creepy....
After the prayer they dig in.
Wednesday- So I'm surprised you've actually heard of my crimefighting days, Centurian was it? I was pretty small time.
Alex- Oh you can just call me Alex. I guess being a local hero I just remember you a little more. So why'd you ever stop?
Wednesday- Well-
Wife- Elbows off the table honey.
Wednesday- Ooo! Right, sorry about that dear.
Well anyways, like I said, I had to stop about two years ago when Chant made his big decree. But I'm actually glad he did. It gave me some time to slow down in life. Focus on what was important. I finished up school and got my job as a meta human psychologist. I guess being a meta myself gave me a bit of an inside perspective to interpreting other meta human minds. In fact that's how I met the wife here. I was on assignment at that big superhero convention about a year ago, saw her and it was love at first sight. Been together ever since.
Alex- That's amazing!
Wednesday- Yeah back in the day, there's no way you could have ever settled me down. I was crazy jumping from woman to woman. And you wanna know what the funny thing was about the Convention? The entire thing turned out to be a huge scam. Chant was behind it all. He said the Convention itself was to bring in any uncooperative superheroes he hadn't already captured. Then he used all the charity proceeds to buy some missiles from Chantina and Doesntreallyexistia and that it was to prevent some kinda war from the two countries, but who really knows? All I care about is that it brought her and I together forever.
Anyways that's enough about me. So why are you here seeing a psychologist?
Alex- Umm... actually I've got something pretty big to tell you. I'm not really here for one of your sessions. I'm not one of your patients.
Wednesday- Well I don't understand... Then why are you here?
Alex- I'm here through some blind luck. But you. You're here because Chant has somehow tampered with time. You really belong to a small time superhero team known as the JLR.
Suddenly a huge grin grows over Wednesday's face.
Wife- Well that's just crazy. Wednesday belongs here with his family. Not on some super hero team. Tell him honey.
Wednesday shakes off the smile- Oh. Umm, yes of course. That's simply ridiculous.
Alex- Please Mrs. Perkins. I'm telling the truth. That's why I came here to see you, Wednesday. I need yours and everyone else's help to take down Chant and fix time.
Wife- Well, now I think it's kind of obvious as to why someone needs to be seeing the psychologist...
Wednesday- Actually honey, I think I do sorta believe him.
Wife- WHAT!
Wednesday- Noth- nothing. Just kidding dear, I swear.
Alex- I'm serious. I can't do it without you. Wouldn't you like to break out those old tights and help save the world one more time?
Wednesday's eyes glisten. His wife's however grow dark and fierce.
Wednesday breaks from his stare and looks from his wife to Alex.
Wednesday- Look kid I'm, uh, I'm sorry but I can't help you, okay. I can lend you my car or something but I really think it would be best if you just left. Right now, alright.
Wednesday clenches his teeth and shakes his head silently to urge him to go.
Alex looks around the table. The wife's hands are clutched tightly onto the table. He can hear the groaning of the stress on the wood. Her breathing is hard and unsteady.
Alex- Yeah I think you might be right....
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The group heads outside where Wednesday hands Alex the keys to his car. By this time the wife has calmed down with the thought of Alex leaving. He wonders what had gotten her so upset in the first place though.
Wednesday- Alright, I'm sorry I couldn't be more help but I think my place is here with my family.
Wednesday hugs the family around him.
Alex- Yeah I'm sorry you can't help too, but I understand. And thanks again for lending me your car.
Wednesday- Of course. Anything I can do to help. Well it's starting to get pretty late and you've got a lot of work ahead of you, so you'd better head out. Good luck and great meeting you.
Wednesday extends a hand and Centurian shakes it.
Alex- Same here Wednesday. Thanks again.
Alex begins to back out of the driveway. With one arm draped over his wife Wednesday waves with his free hand. No sooner does Alex pull the car out and drive off than does Wednesday pop out from the back.
Wednesday- Are we out of the driveway yet?
Alex jerking in surprise- JESUS!
Wednesday- Hey watch the road man!
Alex caught off guard swerves off the road and plows into a mailbox.
Alex- Oh shit.
Wednesday- Oh that's okay. That was the Johnson's mailbox. They're fucking assholes.
Alex yelling and slamming on the breaks- Wednesday, what the hell are you doing here?
Wednesday's thrown up front by the sudden stop flying right into the dashboard.
Wednesday- Trying to avoid a concussion! Damn, do you even have your license kid?
Alex- Of course I do. Now what are you really doing here?
Wednesday- Look, man. Do you know what it's like to wake up every morning to a beautiful loving wife, to go down and see your adorable well behaved kids and to head out to your advanced high paying job?
Alex- Well, no I guess I don't....
Wednesday- Neither do I!
Alex- What?!?
Wednesday- Alex, I get up at 5:30 every morning to the second. It's become so routine I don't even need an alarm clock anymore. And every week it's the same damn thing; my entire schedule planned out by my wife! I haven't done one thing I've actually wanted to since I've been with her. Plus I've been having sinking suspicions she's cheating on me.... With Mr. Johnson!
Alex- Ohh, poor Mrs. Johnson...
Wednesday- Oh no, she's into the whole threesome thing. Poor Wednesday!
Alex- ...and lucky Mr. Johnson I suppose....
Wednesday- Yeah.
He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights one up.
Alex disgusted- Since when do you smoke?
Wednesday- Since I've been married. You try staying monogamous without the help of nicotine and see how well you do!
Alex- I'll keep that in mind.... but what about your kid? And I mean, the wife's gotta count for something right?
Wednesday- If she's cheating on me chances are the kids not even mine. I mean, yeah, yeah, I love the family and everything but- God do I freaking hate them. The little brat constantly annoying me after a long day at my shitty job. Then the wife starts in with her piece about how I don't pull my own weight around here and can't provide for her like I should. I'm sick and tired of it!
Alex- But they're your family...
Wednesday grins- Yeah and if what you said is true, they should've never even existed. Look, I'm miserable like this. I always have been. And then you come in from this alternate timeline or whatever and start talking about me living the old superhero slash bachelor life and more than that I'm actually happy. I want that again....
Alex- So I guess there's no way to talk you out of coming with me is there?
Wednesday- No way in hell, kid.
Alex- Good. I'll need your help rounding up the rest of the team. One thing I am curious about though. When I drove away you were there standing with your family, but now here you are in the car.
Wednesday- Ah yes. Just this week special. I can duplicate myself. In fact the double should be disappearing right about now. I put him on a five minute timer.
Alex- Good thinking.
Alex- What's that?
Wednesday- My watch. I have it set to my wifes schedule of checking up on me. Every night at exactly 9:27 the wife comes in the office to catch me still working and tell me she's going to bed.
Alex- Oh.... So hey, what's going to happen when she goes to check up on you and you're no longer there because your duplicate disintegrated.
Wednesday- Oh well she....
Wednesday looks as though he just realized the huge flaw in his plan. His eye's go wide and his face pale.
Wednesday- Oh no.
Alex still relaxed- Ah don't worry about it. We're way to far away for her to stop us now right?
Wednesday- No there's something I forgot to mention. My wife's also a meta-
Wednesday doesn't even get a chance to finish his sentence as the car jumps violently on the road.
Alex- What was that?
Wednesday- The Wife!
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Wednesday- Well don't just stand there man! Step on the gas! Go, go, GOOO!!!
Alex slams on the pedal but it's already too late. Looking to the back he sees giant mutated form of Wednesday's wife. The tires screech on the road but the car remains in place.
Alex- Do something! Hit her!
Wednesday- Oh yeah, that's it. Hit my wife! I guess you've never heard of a little thing called spousal abuse. Why can't you just use whatever powers you got?!?
Alex- Kinda lost mine.
Wednesday- What?!?!
Alex- When the whole time shift thing happened they kinda left.
Wednesday- Oh that's just great. So what the hell are we supposed to do?
Alex- Umm... Well you could always try just talking to it....
Wednesday- Ya.... yeah, talking to it. It's my wife after all I should be able to talk to it.
Yelling to the beast- Honey- Honey calm down. Look I can see your obviously not happy about me running away but look at it from my point of view, huh?
He shrugs his shoulders and smiles an awkward smile.
The Wife slams her enormous fists onto the pavement crushing it to pebbles. Wednesday jumps back.
Wednesday- Gah. I hope you've got a better plan man.
Alex- Trust me, I'm working on it.
Alex looks around from in the car to find something he can use to help. He spots a small sporting goods store just off the road. He jumps from the car and heads into the store. Suddenly an idea pops into his head.
Alex- I hope they've got it.
Alex gets to the store and grabs the first employee he can find.
Alex- Hey man, you got any bungee cords?
Employee- Yeah sure. Check in aisle 8.
Alex- Perfect!
Meanwhile outside the Wife grabs Wednesday by the feet and starts clubbing him on the ground like a bat.
Wednesday- Oof! Ow! Ohhhhhh gawd, the pain....
Suddenly his pack of cigarettes falls out. The Wife looks at the cigarettes and then at Wednesday and back at the cigarettes.
Wednesday- Oh no...
Wednesday- No! No, they're not mine I swear! The kid, he's a freakin chain smoker! He just puffs one after another!
She wraps her fingers tightly around Wednesday's entire body and lifts him to her face.
Wife- TELL ME!
Wednesday crushed in her fist tries to breath out any words he can manage but nothing comes out. The Wife throws Wednesday fifty yards away into a brick wall. He collapses down onto the ground.
Alex runs out of the store with the bungee cord dragging behind him. He finally reaches the car and goes to the back. Attaching the cord onto the back bumper and the other end to a phone pole he gets back into the car.
Alex- Well, if cartoons have ever taught me anything then this should work! If not...
Alex shakes off the thought.
Wednesday makes his way to his feet. Angered and annoyed he's filled with testosterone. He yells back to his Wife.
The Wife jerks her head up listening to every word. Her eye's focus on Wednesday and only Wednesday as she grunts and stampedes toward him.
Alex- Now!
He steps on the gas and the car rockets down the street, cord dangling behind it. He speeds past the Wife about 30 yards away and gaining fast.
Suddenly the slack on the cord draws tight and the car jerks to a stop.
Eyes still transfixed on Wednesday the Wife doesn't seem to notice the cord and charges right into it. A foot away from Wednesday the cord stops her in her tracks.
Wednesday saying smoothly and satisfied- -I want a divorce.
She growls at him. Reaching out a hand she's too late as the bungee cord slingshots her into the horizon.
Wednesday breathes a sigh of relief as he sees her disappear.
Wednesday- Ha ha ha. Oh man, that felt great! Did you see that? Ha ha!
Alex opens the car door and jumps out. He runs to Wednesday.
Alex- I saw it alright! We did it!
Wednesday- Yeah. The JLR....
Well we'd better head back out, kid. 'Specially if we wanna save the world, huh? Let's get the rest of the team.
With that he bats Alex on the back and heads to the car.
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Through the following hours Alex and Wednesday go over battle plans, try to think up where the other members might be and Wednesday reminisces on his older days.
Wednesday- ...Yeah I've really missed it. I guess I never should have really left the game but some things just happen, y'know.
Alex- Yeah well I must say it is good to have you back. I'm gonna have to stop for gas. You want anything?
Wednesday- Oh, just pick me up a coffee and a newspaper. Thanks.
Alex pulls into the gas station and picks up the supplies. Climbing back into the car he hands the things to Wednesday.
Alex- Here ya go. I got us some more food and drinks too.
Wednesday sipping his coffee- Ahhh, thanks kid. So, where are we headed now? The other members gotta be around here somewhere right?
Alex- Yeah the only problem is finding out where they are now. I got lucky finding you. I doubt I'll get that lucky again.
Wednesday- Well, I'm sure well find them somehow...
With that he flips open the sports section of the newspaper. Alex looks his way as his eyes stop cold on a picture on the front page. Specifically they stop on one certain person in the picture.
Alex- Wednesday stop! Hand me the paper!
He flips to the page and sees a picture of the Nets playing ball. On the sidelines stands a very powerful and rich looking man in an expensive suit.
Alex- Do you know who this is?!?
-he says in disbelief.
Wednesday- Yeah that's the Nets owner.
Alex- The owner? No, that's La Machine one of the JLR members.
Wednesday- Jesus, you mean I was actually teammates with that asshole?
Alex- What? Asshole...?
Wednesday- Yeah that guys a jackass!
Alex- What are you talking about? How the hell could he even afford to buy the team!?!
Wednesday sighs annoyed- About two years ago this guy gets hurt at one of the Nets games. Struck by lightning. So he ends up suing the stadium for all of his damages and personal anguish and all that crap and actually wins. But that's not the worst part. He uses all of the money he wins to buy the team. Everyone has hated him since, especially with the team turning to shit. It's like he bought just for the attention and the status it gives him. Makes me sick just thinking about him.
Alex- Well we've got to see him.
Wednesday with a laugh- Yeah, I doubt you'd be one of the first ones to wanna "see him". He's got a lot of enemies now. And his securities tighter than the Presidents. But...
Alex- But what....
Wednesday- Well if it's the game you wanna go to I actually do have some season tickets. Me and a buddy from work bought 'em together. Went halves on 'em. We can stop on by his place and pick 'em up if you want. His names Bob. A great guy. I'm sure he'd be willing to help
Alex- Wait, you say his name is Bob?
Wednesday- Yeah... Why?
Alex- He doesn't happen to own a tractor trailer does he?
Wednesday- Hmph? A tractor trailer? No, not that I know of, why?
Alex- Oh, uh, no reason. So what are you doing back there?
Wednesday- Changing into my old suit. Ooo there's his house right over there. Pull over.
The car pulls to a stop and the two heroes get out.
Wednesday- Check it out! The suit still fits. Whaddya think?
Wednesdays stomach bulges out of the shirt and the sleeves once fit to be skin tight now wrap around Wednesdays meaty arms bone tight.Alex stares in amazement that the spandex doesn't give way.
Alex- Honestly? I think it's time you went on a diet.
Wednesday- Heeey!
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Knock knock knock
The door to a house eeriely similiar to Wednesdays opens up to our two reluctant heroes. On the other side of the door stands a short stocky rather average looking man, yet somehow looking very familiar to Alex.
Man- Jason! Whats up man?
Wednesday- Heya Bob.
Bob- What brings you here man? And who's your little friend there?
-he says pointing out Alex.
Wednesday- Hmm? Oh yeah, him! His names Cent- uh... I mean Alex. His names Alex.
Suddenly a lightbulb flashes in Centurians head.
Alex- You- You're- You're Toxic Bob!
Bob- Hahaha! How'd you know my old college nickname?
Wednesday looks with complete surprise over at Alex.
Bob- Let me guess... You went to Allstate University right? Probably heard of mine and "Wednesdays" little adventures from when we went there together right?
Alex- Uh... Yeah, you got me.
Bob- Well don't just stand there guys. Come on in.
Bob walks out of the doorway and back in the house.
Wednesday holds back Alex whispering into his ear- I'm guessing you didn't really go to Allstate.
Alex- No...
Wednesday- Then how did you-?
Alex- Back in the League. This guy must've been one of your old enemies. I saw a picture in the Leagues dossier files.
Wednesday- I thought you said the League was really poor.
Alex- Really really poor...
Wednesday- So how could they afford to make dossier files for all of their villians?
Alex- Well technically they're crayon drawings, but they are very life-like.
Wednesday thinks for a minute- So Bob was a bad guy huh?
Alex- Yeah... Oh, but hey! He was reformed.
Wednesday- ...Well thats good.
Bob from inside- You guys coming in or not.
The heroes walk inside and keep up a conversation with Bob while Bob demonstrates for the two just how he got his old college nickname- several times. Finally after reminising old times with Alex they bring up the reason they're there leaving out no detail.
Wednesday- So you see Bob we need those tickets so we can get to La Machine to help us stop Chant from ever taking over the world.
Bob stares blankly at the two of them.
Alex- Bob? You okay, Bob?
Bob- Bwhah-ha-ha-ha... Oh man
Bob wipes a tear from his eyes.
Bob- If you guys want to go to the game, just say so. You don't have to make up some crazy story. Hahaha.
Wednesday- Umm... We- want to go to the game...
Bob- There. Now that wasn't so hard now was it. Here ya go. I got 'em right in my wallet.
Bob pulls out his wallet and grabs the tickets handing them to Wednesday.
Alex- Oh this is great! Thank you so much.
Bob- Geez. Kid sure seems excited huh?
Wednesday- Yeah, it really means a lot to him. Thanks man...
Wednesday starts to think about one of his closest and oldest friends becoming a villian, fighting against him.
Wednesday- Hey Bob, maybe you could come with us, y'know.
Bob- ...Sorry, only two tickets there man.
Wednesday nods it off silently biting his lower lip.
Wednesday- Yeah... Well, I guess we should be off then. Theres a lot ahead of us. You sure you won't come along with us?
Bob- You're really serious about this aren't you?
Wednesday- Yeah, I guess I am. I mean, I never really questioned my position in life. My family, my friends, my job. I kinda just went with the flow and accepted everything. But now the more I think about it the more I'm starting to realize something's not right, something's missing, and I think this might be it.
Bob- I'm sorry man but I just got too good a thing here. But good luck.
Bob holds out a hand for Wednesday to shake. He grabs at the hand and pulls it in close to his chest for a hug. A little surprised Bob picks up his other hand around Wednesday and hugs back tight.
Bob- I'll see ya, man.
Wednesday whispering- No... you won't
Alex and Wednesday head back out to the car to get ready for the big Nets game tomorrow night.
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...and by getting ready for the big Nets game tomorrow night, I mean sleeping, but it is highly understandable to get the two confused; one of the most horrendously streched assumptions of superheroes being that the super body of the superbeing has since evolved beyond the mere mortal restrictions and no longer has any need for the likes of sleeping, eating, and bathing (the latter being most extremely false). Actually quite the opposite. After facing the likes of their regular run of supervillians(and working up quite a sweat), the average meta-man would like nothing more than to take a nice relaxing bubblebath (duckie included), hop into their smooth silk robe after drying off and kick back in their recliner enjoying a nice cup of hot tea with just a bit of lemon and honey. But as per the job description there is no rest for the life of a hero. Except of course for the occasional 16 hour catnap in the small red van of one of the heroes...
(But you must admit you too would need your R&R after being pulled from your regular time and space, being shot at by a crazy psychopath with an unnerving obsession for tractor trailers, finding all your friends and family erased and re-wrtitten into reality, running from oppressive and slightly retarded guards, fighting a monsterous beast known only as 'the Wife', being rejected countless times by a countless number of women, and being subjected to various other unspeakably depressing results of living the superhero lifestyle.)
Only, that hero had been up and for the last six hours been trying to wake the other with pokes and prods to various parts of the body (and for some strange reason finding the belly button to be the most effective.)
Finally with the help of the vans cigarette lighter and a strategically placed jab to the rear, Wednesday jumped back to consciousness with a yelp.
Wednesday- Ow! ....My ass! My ass is on fire!
Alex- Oop!
Wednesday pats the small flame on his backend extinguishing the flame as the smoke continues to billow up from the small burn marked into the fabric.
Alex- Well I'm glad to see your awake...
Alex- Not a morning person I take it? Good, cause it's not morning. It's six in the evening and the game starts at 7:30.
Wednesday- Eh relax kid. We'll get there in time. The stadiums just on the other side of town. Shouldn't take us more than 20 minutes or so to get there.
Infact we've even got time to stop and eat! TO PIRATE PETE'S!
Now it is a well known fact that, while unbearably greasy, fattening, and covered in a mysterious and highly suspicious 'secret sauce', the Buccaneer Burger is one of the most scrum-diddely-umptious burgers on the face of this, or any other version of this, planet. So it is not hard to believe that despite the overtaking and ruling of the world that Chant would allow all the people (but more specifically himself) the pleasure of enjoying such a burger on a regular basis, which might explain how the Pirate Pete Corporation can manage to survive in the world of an evil and tyranical overlord. Even evil and tyranical overlords gotta eat.
The restaraunt stands distractingly tall shaped like a gigantic pirate ship with a sign proclaiming the name 'Pirate Pete' with a cartoon head of Ol' Pete himself winking for all welcome customers to come on in. The small red van pulled into the parking lot and driving round to the drive thru.
Speaker- Welcome to Pirate Pete's, how may I help you?
Wednesday- Yes, we'll just have two orders of Buccaneer burgers one with fries the other with some chicken nuggets.
Speaker- Alright that'll be 7.50. You can pull to the side and pay.
Wednesday- Thank you kindly ma'am.
Wednesday pulls down and picks up his food in the side window. He's finished eating before he leaves the parking lot. (I told you superheroes had to eat)
Alex however eats a bit more slowly due to his stomach being a bit upset.
Wednesday- You okay Alex?
Alex- Wha? Oh, yeah I'm fine just kinda nervous thinking about how we'll be able to pull any of this off...
Wednesday- Oh we'll don't sweat it. I've got the perfect plan.
Alex- What's that? Walk in blindly throwing our fists around risking everything hoping that it all just works out.
Wednesday- Hey, yeah. How'd you know?
Alex- Eh. I'm becoming more and more used to it...
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Alex pokes his head out the open window of the van and looks ahead at the miles of unmoving traffic.
Alex- *sigh* Damn...  . I told you we'd be late. 20 minutes...
Wednesday- Well what can I say; rush hour... What do you want me to do press this little button here and just turn my van into a rocket and fly over all these little cars.
Alex- You can do that?!?
Wednesday-... N-... What?!? No! I don't own some kinda Transformer. I own a crappy cherry blossom red soccer mom van. So we'll sit here. And wait.
Alex- Eh. Do you what you want, but I think it'd just be faster to walk. How far is it?
Wednesday- About ten blocks
Alex- If we run we could still make it. You coming?
Suddenly the van starts sputtering and coughing. The hood flies open and smoke pours out into the sky.
Wednesday- DAMMIT!
Well I guess that answers your question, huh?
Alex- Cmon we gotta hurry. We'll just leave the car here for now.
Wednesday- Yeah alright lead the way smallfry.
Ten minutes later the Alex and Wednesday finally reach the stadium. The first thing to notice about the Continental Arena is the size. The arena looms over all who enter it intimidatingly. It gives a feeling of impotence and unimportance to those who even glance it's way. The second thing to notice is how very blindingly bright the lights around the arena can get at dusk. huge spotlights shining upon the building giving it a kind of aura. Once you're eyes get adjusted to the lights the enormous crowds of people would then be the third thing to notice. As many people as the arena was built to hold it usually winds up stuffing in about three or four times the amount. Each person pushing, shoving, cramming, ramming (and the occasional gropping) to get through the tiny doors.
But it was none of these things that either Alex or Wednesday felt as they approached the arena. What they felt was a sort of... legacy in the air surrounding the team, and all their incredible accomplishments. A legacy that had been built on hard work determination and an extreme love of the game by both dedicated athletes and loyal fans. A legacy that had been tainted by a certain La Machine. All the fans weren't really trying to hide that fact either. It could be seen in their eyes, felt in their presence.
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Alex- God this arena looks even bigger on the inside! But why the hell are there so many people here? I thought you said the other teams always mopped the floor with them?
Wednesday- I did. And they do. Which is exactly why theres so many people here.
Wednesday- Look, it's simple. If someone hates something this much they'd never want to spend time with that which they hate, unless of course, something bad happens to happen to what they hate right?
Alex- Uhhh... right...
Wednesday- And seeing as how everyone hates this team, and this team is always being so pathetically beaten, they wish to come here to witness this defeat to make themselves feel good. Get it?
Alex- Uh sure... You're the psychologist I guess... Alright so where do we start looking for La Machine? He should be in one of these doors somewhere right?
Alex and Wednesday push through the halls of the building looking at their map of the arena trying to distinguish where the teams owner might just be.
Wednesday- Look I'm telling you it's a waste of time looking for him. We should just go in and enjoy the game for now. Let him come to us.
Alex- Come to us? What does that mean?
Wednesday- You mean I didn't tell you? He takes part in the halftime show. And what a show it is. Speaking of which I should probably buy my stuff for the show now.
Wednesday hops into a large line.
Alex- What stuff?
Wednesday- Oh, you'll see.... Heh.
Alex- Geez, whatever it is it looks like everyone must want some.
Wednesday- Yeah well I toldja it's quite a show.
Wednesday buys a small sack stuffed with goodies apparently worth the full price of twenty dollars. Alex stares at the sack all the way to their seats trying to fathom what could be inside and how it could possibly be connected to the halftime show.
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Finally Alex and Wednesday make their way to their seats somewhere near the top rows just in time for the start of the game. Surprisingly to Alex the view isn't all that bad. He watches in shock as the other team literally does mop the floor with the Nets while still scoring. During one point a player falls to the ground in the fetal position and starts crying. Taking some but not much pity on the team the ref decides to call an early half time.
Alex- Finally. I'm getting a soda.
Wednesday- Uh uh. You won't wanna miss this.
Suddenly the loudspeaker overhead crackles to life and the announcers voice booms throughout the stadium.
Attention ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of the show, the moment you've all been waiting for, so get your ammo ready...
Alex- Huh?!? Ammo? Wednesday what does that-
Alex turns his head to Wednesday but he's not there. Bent over reaching under his seat, Wednesday pulls out his bag. Looking around he can see all the others doing the same.
Back on the court all eyes focus on a man rising from his chair and heading to the middle of the floor.
Alex- Wednesday, what going on?
Announcer- Get ready...
Alex- Wednesday...
Announcer- ...Aim...
Wednsday pulls a orange from his bag and launches his hand back.
Alex- Wednesday?
Announcer- ...FIRE!
Wednesday arm fires forward as the orange shoots from his hand flying straight down the aisles.
The fruit of a thousand screaming fans slams into La Machine all at once.
Alex- Wednesday!
Wednesday- HA HA! Did you see that? I nailed him right in the face.
Alex- What the hell are you doing?!?
Alex grabs the bag from Wednesday and tosses it aside.
Wednesday- Relax kid. It's just the halftime show.
Alex- You mean this is part of the show?
Wednesday, while grabbing for more fruit- This is the entire show!
Alex- Wednesday stop he's your teammate.
Wednesday- That still fails to be seen. C'mon it's like a tradition or something now. Hehehe... he just slipped on a tomato. Oh this is killing me.
Alex- C'mon! We don't have time for this.
Alex knocks the bag and a few vegitables to the ground.
Out of the corner of his eye Alex sees some movement from one of the private boxes.
Wednesday- Hey those weren't cheap y'know.
He scrambles to pick them back up and duplicates himself a few times to throw the last few bits of fruits and veggies.
Turning back to Alex, Wednesday sees the distracted look crossing over his face. He follows Alexs gaze.
Alex- Wednesday, whats that dark room over there?
Wednesday- That? That's the owners box. No one but the owner goes up there anymore.
Alex- Really? How'd you know that?
Wednesday- A friend of mine, D, used to work here as a custodian, right? Tells me that the entire room is off limits to everyone but him.
Alex- But the owners on the floor getting pelted with half the food pyramid.
Wednesday- Yeah so the rooms empty. So what?
Alex- So it's not empty. Look!
Wednesday- What? Well, who else would go in the owners box but- But the owners down on the cour-
Wednesdays eyes grow wide as he and Alex both shout aloud
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Alex and Wednesday jump from their seats in the stands racing for the owners box, pushing down hundreds of other fans on their way.
Wednesday- Alright heres the door Alex. Now brace yourself. Just because he isn't expecting us doesn't mean he won't have an entire army on the other side of this door ready to pounce on us.
Alex- Are you sure about this, Wed?
Wednesday- As sure as I'll ever be. 3.... 2.... 1!
Wednesday multiplies himself several times at once using all of his forces together to bust through the door. Stumbling to the ground, duplicates fading away, he lands hard on the collapsed door.
Voice- Wednesday! Alex! I've been expecting you...
Wednesday- Wha...?
La Machine- How lovely of you two to drop in.
Alex's mouth drops about a foot. Walking over Wednesday's body- You... you knew we were coming?
La- But of course. Come, have a seat, gentlemen. I saw you coming...
Wednesday's pulled out another bag and nails La in the head with another tomato.
Wednesday- Yeah? Didja see that coming?
Alex- Wednesday!
Wednesday shrugs at Alex- It was half off...
La removes a hankerchief from his Armoni suit and wipes away the juices from the tomato.
Wednesday- Sorry but he does owe it to me. You have any idea how much money I spent on these vegitables?
La- Actually yes I do. Thats two bags, one at full price one half off equalling 30 dollars altogether. Plus tax of course.
Wednesday- Yeah that's right.
La- And let me guess. You're mad that all this time you've been throwing it at someone else, right?
Wednesday- Damn straight!
Alex- I don't get it. Why have some double pretending to be you go out and do that when you could just as easily?
La- Would you degrade yourself by allowing people to throw garbage at you on a daily basis?
Alex- Good point. Then why have them believe you're doing it at all?
La- Ah yes. It's an unfortunate but necessary ruse you see. The people, well, they're not to fond of me, especially since the team has had a bit of a losing streak...
Wednesday- Losing streak? They've lost every game since you've taken over.
La- Yes well be that as it may, they don't like me...
Wednesday- That's the understatment of the year...
La- Okay fine they hate me! And to keep that hate controlled and keep the people from boiling over with anger I have them release some of their stress onto "me".
Alex- Genius... Let me guess. Then you sell the vegitables to help turn a profit?
La- Indeed. I grow them all myself. Seem to have a bit of a green thumb. But anyways where were we?
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Hybrid said: Back at the Pancake Paradise, the team solemnly finishes up their meal and heads back to the Farmhouse of Justice.
Hybrid: This is the JLR's glorious estate?
Fused: Seems a little less glorious than the picture in the brochure.
Britannica: Yes, and well, we're not quite used to this many members. I'm afraid we'll be a bit cramped until we can readjust. Of course, there is and open bedroom. If anyone would like to stay there they're free to it.
Stupid Dogg: Whoa! You mean stay in CJ's old room? No way, I'd rather sleep on the floor.
SpandexMonkeyMan: Yes I agree. I feel it'd be a bit disrespectful to stay in CJ's room.
Wednesday: Well then unfortunately for you, sleeping out here is your only other option.
Hybrid: Oooh! I call the haystack
Registered Member 552: All right guys--
Nuriko: *ahem*
Registered Member 552: Oh, right. Wasn't really expecting that.... Anyways "people" it's been a very long night, so let's just try to get some sleep, okay? We'll try to sort more of this out tomorrow. I'll see you then.
Meanwhile, Chant sorts through hundreds of thousands of ripped open packages, files, and inventions--designs, plans, and blueprints with such crazy inventions as a De-Toaster to a Remote Controlled Pogo Stick
Chant: Come on, come on. There has to be one here somewhere...
Clerk: Are you certain you should be back here, Mr..... Chantsen, was it?
Chant: Yes, yes of course. I am a mailman, aren't I? And I'm just delivering some mail, right?
Clerk: Well I suppose, but--
Chant: Let's see. Yes, yes this is it! A time machine. I've finally found it.
He notices a piece of paper on the side of the box.
Chant: What's this? Some assembly required? SON OF A-
Well, best get started...
So Lever A fits into Console G
Some time later
Chant: *sigh* Finished!
Chant jumps onto the machine and sets the coordinates for November 18, 2002
Chant: The time for my success is PAST!
Chant pulls down on the lever and CH-Pbbthhhh!
Chant: Huh? Augh! Now what?!?!
Clerk: It seems that there's still a part missing, sir.
Chant: Where? I followed those blasted instructions perfectly. Give that to me!
He snatches the plans out of the clerks hands and reads the fine print: Time Frequency Tuner Required. Sold Separately.
Chant: GAH! Where the bloody hell am I supposed to get a time freque- Wait a second!
He reaches into his mailsack (male sack, tee-hee) and pulls out Hook's old crystal ball.
Chant: Crystal ball, replay that message from before.
Suddenly the ball flashes like a TV screen coming to life.
Ace: ...He couldn't sense her living anywhere in the timestream.
Chant: Aha! This new Time Trust member of their team must be in tune with the time frequency. Perhaps I can use his abilities to power the time machine. But first I'll have to catch him. HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA!
He lets the last "Ha" drag a bit too long and a bit uncomfortably.
Clerk: Um.... yeah, anyways, you're really not allowed to park that thing in here....
The clerk motions to Chant's truck, parked in the new hole through the side of the building
Clerk: ...and I'm really starting to doubt that you're supposed to be back here at all.
Chant: That's ok! I got what I came for.
He hops into his truck and backs out at breakneck speed.
Back at the Estate of Justice, one of our heroes sits still awake and frustrated on the phone.
Alex (Centurian): Mom, mom, no listen I know it's late. Well, technically it's early but-- What? Ma, no I-I wasn't talking back to you -Alright, alright, then I was talking back to you, okay? I apologize. Look, Mom I just called to tell you I was staying with the JLR tonight. You remember, the group of superheroes I was with earlier. Yeah that was Wednesday that gave you his number. Yeah, haha, he sure is, isn't he? I'm at their Farmhouse of Justice. What? No, of course I'm not kidding. Okay? All right. Love you too Mom. Bye.
Alex hangs up the phone and turns to see the android still up.
Alex (Centurian): Oh I'm sorry. I didn't wake you did I?
The Time Trust: No, no just couldn't recharge with everything that's happening. All of this CJ business is a bit unsettling.
Alex (Centurian): Yeah it's been kinda hard on me too.
The Time Trust: No, that's not what I mean. While it has been sad for all of us there's no reason I shouldn't be able to locate her within the time pops.
Alex (Centurian): *sigh* Who knows? Anyways, I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Night.
The Time Trust: Goodnight. Oh, Alex, by the way, I found your dice lying on the floor.
TTT hands over the dice to Alex.
The Time Trust: You know you shouldn't just leave them lying around like that. You never know who could get their hands on them. If I were you I'd keep those things very close to me.
Alex (Centurian): Yeah thanks. See ya tomorrow.
The Time Trust: Mm-hmm.
Alex tip-toes between the sleeping members at his feet and makes his way to a small clump of hay. Gathering it up to make a bed, he drifts off to sleep with the dice still in his hands.

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Alex: Wait, wait, wait! There's still something I don't understand. How exactly did you know we were coming?
Wednesday: Yeah. And who is that out on the court? Clearly its not some kid in a costume. He looks just like you.
La: Exactly like me. There are some real advantages to having metas on your payroll.
Alex: Of course. A psycic that works for you warned you we were coming.
Wednesday: -And the shapeshifters down getting a vegitable bath. Well you've just got this all figured out don't you?
La rubs his chin looking up in thought. After a moments thought he moves his head up and down: Yes, yes I do.
Truthfully I knew that you were coming before you even got here. My people are that good.
Wednesday: Ah so I guess your psycic just forgot to mention the part about that tomato splatting right into your face huh?
La's face turns to surprise.
Wednesday: Hadn't thought of that, have you? And tell me if your people are so good how did we manage to slip in here without any trouble.
Now La gets visibly annoyed. He slams his fists on his desk.
La shouts at them: Don't give yourself so much damned credit! I allowed you into my office because I knew you were no threat to me! Some powerless teen and a pathetic little has-been.
Wednesday: Better than a never-was!
La, ignoring Wednesday: You know, I know all about your little suicidal plan to stop Chant. You really believe it too, don't you, kid? You really think you're from some other timeline or something. Well I'd like to think I'm a little smarter than that. It's bull.
Alex: If you really believe that then why would you ever allow us up here to bother you. You could have stopped us the second we got here, you said it yourself. But you let us in here. And you're hearing us out. Maybe some part of you does believe whats happening here.
La: Or maybe some part of me just wanted to test out my new trapdoor.
Wednesday: Oh sh-
Wednesday doesn't get a chance to let out another breath when La reaches under his desk and presses the button. The floor beneath Wednesday and Alex falls from under them.
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Grabbing for air the two fall into the open chasm. Falling for what seems forever they both land hard onto a slide and slip down to an opening. The slide spits them out into an alley behind the building. Alex falls and lands with a thumb into an open dumpster full of garbage. Wednesday slams into the side of the dumpster and rolls to the ground
Wednesday: Ooof! Krsshh!
Alex pushes aside a stray pizza box and looks around for his teamate: Wednesday?
Wednesday: Aaa. Down here.
Alex: Are you alright?
Picking up a piece of glass and looking at it: Well... I think I landed on some broken glass but other than that.
Wednedsay: Good. Look, I think if we can just get back up there we might be able to convince him to come along.
Wednesday: Call me crazy, but I don't really think he wanted to help us.
Voice: Alright Crazy, you can call me Leroy.
Wednesday: Um, Alex are you feeling alright?
Alex: That wasn't me?
Wednesday: But then who-
CHK- Whirrrrrrrrrr.....
Monotone recording: The. Cow. Goes-
Wednesday: What in the-
Wednesday climbs up and helps Alex out of the dumpster. Slowly they come to the corner of wall and look down the alley. Rounding the corner they come across a cardboard box, a pair of legs poking out wagging about wildly, the rest of the man hidden by the shadows.
Alex- Who- who's in there?
Voice: Colonel Mustard, in the box, with the deck of cards!
Wednesday: Alex, c'mon, let's get out of here. This guy looks a little disturbed. I think it may be best if we just leave him alone.
Alex: Wait, that voice... a deck of cards? Ace? Ace, is that you?
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Suddenly the feet stop wagging. The mans face shoots out from the shadows. Wednesday jumps and falls backwards in surprise, landing hard into a puddle on the ground.
The mans face looks old rough and weathered as if it had been abused for some time. He was covered from head to toe in dirt and filth, but through all the crust and grime, the face is clearly that of Aces.
Alex: No way!
Ace looks up shocked.
Ace: Alex? It's really you isn't it? Oh how I dreamed this day would come.
Alex: You- you remember me don't you?
Ace wildly rolls his head back as if to think: Welllllll.... no. Not really. Actually I just read the name on your ID.
Standing up, hunched over, Ace holds out the ID card for Alex to see.
Alex: Hey, where'd you get my-
Alex pats his back pocket and sees he no longer has his wallet.
Alex: Hey, he stole my wallet!
Jumping back from Alex, Ace drops the wallet, swings up a water pipe, climbs it halway up, stops, and hides halfway behind the pipe.
Wednesday picks himself up from the ground, trying to dry himself off: Alex, who the hell is this nut?
Alex: This? This is Ace. Wednesday, I'd like you to meet our third member.
Wednesday, to himself: Of course. God, why do you hate me so?
Wednesday, to Alex: You've got to be kidding me Alex. Look at him. He's a bum.
Picking up Alex's wallet: He's a theif!
Ace's eyes follow glued to the wallet. Lightning quick he strikes, kicking off from the wall, one hand catching onto a fire escape, swinging past Wednesday, grabbing the wallet, and pushing himself back up to the pipe.
They both stare at Ace as he goes through the wallet. He pulls out the money and tosses it aside. Then he collects up all the credit cards, gift cards and ID's he can, then happens upon a piece of gum. Sniffing it, and apparently deciding he likes it he pockets it and drops whats left of the wallet.
Alex: Well I guess it is true he's seen better days but I swear he can do the job. And if we can just convince La Machine to hel-
Wednesday falls back in surprise landing in the same puddle: Damn!
Alex: Yeah, La Machine... Wait, you do remember something don't you?
Ace: No no no. Impossible. Can't remember something that hasn't happened. But I know! I know it was supposed to happen!
Alex: But I don't get it. How is that possible?
Ace: A Ha! With these!
Ace jumps down from the pipe and lands in front of his box. Reaching inside, he pulls out a sack and dumps its contents to the ground. Card after card scatters across the damp pavement of the alley. Business cards, birthday cards, baseball cards, trading cards, assorted playing cards. Ace sifts through all of them until he finally happens upon the
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Alex- That’s amazing! You can use these to see into the future?
Ace- Among other things, yes.
Alex- Other things...?
Ace swings his card behind his back and throws it forward in one fluid movement. The card whizzes by Alex and slices into the ground between two of Wednesdays fingers.
Wednesday- Oow!
Wednesday screams before he realizes he wasn’t even hit at all. Then looking down he notices the card has cut clean through his wedding ring. Wednesdays face freezes in shock.
Alex- Whoa!
Ace- Eh, it looked bad on you anyways.
Not believing his eyes Wednesday picks up his hand and searches for some kind of scratch, cut, knick, or scuff. Finally...
Wednesday- Alright, he can join.
Ace- Yipee!
Wednesday- So any other talents you wanna let us in on?
Ace-The cards also helped me to make these...
Ace reaches back into his box and pulls out an old torn journal. Opening it Ace shows the two of them the inside. Scrawled across the first page bright and vibrant is the JLR emblem written in big bold letters. Turning the page Alex’s interest peaks. Drawn on the page sits a picture of La Machine so detailed it looks like a photograph. Turning the page again he sees another drawing of Midnight just as detailed as the first. Flipping through the journal Alex sees a photo with bits and pieces of info on every member of the team.
Ace- It’s my dossiers. That’s French!
Wednesday- Hey, they’re crayon drawings!
Alex- But they’re incredibly lifelike... Ace, buddy, pal, this is incredible. Every member. And we even have little info here in the corner. Do you know what this means? We can actually find the others! We can use this info to find the others!
Great. Now we’ve got three. And La Machine-
Ace- LA MACHINE! Hmmph! High atop his ivory tower, drunk on his wealth and high on his power.
Alex- Hey, that rhymes.
Ace- Yes. Let me worry about LA MACHINE!
Ace jumps up preparing to take off when-
Oh, by the way, while he has been a wee bit on the rude side, I think it only fair to warn your friend that he’s sitting in my toilet.
Alex- Eww... trust me I think it best he doesn’t know.
Ace- Eh, whatever. I’ll be back.
Suddenly Ace jumps onto the garbage dumpster and climbs straight up to the slide that spit them out minutes ago. He quickly disappears into the shadows of the tunnel.
Alex- Whoa! Look at him go! He’s like a little monkey.
Wednesday- Heh. And he smells like one too. Heh heh.
Suddenly SHWWWWP!
Out of the shadows flies another card thwacking Wednesday right across the head.
Wednesday- Oww! Hey ya jackass!
Alex- Haha. Oh, just drop it “toilet boy.”
Wednesday- “Toilet Boy.” What’s that supposed to mean?
Getting up and looking down at himself- Oh Jesus, I got mud all over my suit.
Alex- Ha yeah sure you did.
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Back in the tunnel Ace amazingly continues climbing the impossibly steep slide with little or no trouble. In no time he makes it to the now closed trapdoor. Through the thin door he can still hear La Machine laughing.
Flipping a card into the gears he breaks the trapdoors looks. Then slipping his fingers slowly through the cracks of the door he pries it open and darts through unseen by La. He quietly walks over and takes a seat at the chair in front of La’s desk where he sits counting money. Ace, conversationally- This life does not suit you La. I believe, in fact it has corrupted your very being.
La, looking up surprised- ‘Da hell?!?
La jumps straight up in his chair and tosses his money into the air. Then as if remembering that its money, he reaches out to grab it and pulls it closer to him. Regaining his composure he glances up again and recognizes the face.
La- Ah Jesus, you again? What is this, the sixth time you’ve broken in here?
Ace- Seventh, actually.
Ace picks up the stack of business cards La has on his desk and fingers it feeling the durability. Then he shoves the cards deep into his pockets.
La- Mm-hmm. Well, I had thought my security had taken care of you the last time. They’ll be dealt with. After they get rid of you this time that is!
La slams down onto a button to signal the security one millisecond to late. One of Ace’s tarot card flies from his hand at lightning quick speed. Sparks fly erratically from the frayed wires.
La- Shit! Security! You’re fucking dead bum!
Ace- Not today I’m not.
As he says it, he jumps from his chair, landing on one foot, using the other to kick the chair across the room, sliding it into the doorknobs, jamming it shut. The guards run to the room in response to the yells, but as they reach the door all that is heard is the thump of them running into the blocked door. A moment later a second thump as they hit the floor.
Ace lands onto his second foot in a crouched position. Slowly he picks himself up holding his body high and intimidating.
Ace- The JLR needs your help to save the world. Things’re fucked up pretty bad and I know you know it. This was not the lives we were meant to be leading.
La- Yes, and it’s too bad that your pathetic little life turned to shit while mine prospered but as they say that’s life. Now-
Ace- You know, you’re not really such an asshole LM. You’ve just been corrupted by this life. I can tell. Deep down (deep, deep down) you’re a nice guy and this is your chance to prove it to the world. Together we can stop Chant. Unless you want to keep them thinking that way of you.
Ace motions out the window to the scene outside, turned from a halftime show to a full blown riot.
La- And how am I supposed to do that huh? Throw my money at him?
Ace- I know what your accident did to you...
La looks up surprised again- What!?!
Ace- I know that you’re a meta. When those sparks showered over you, you gained the powers of every member of the team. Speed, strength, agility. And this is what you use it on...
La’s face melts from shock to a look of pure shame and regret.
He looks down speaking more to himself than to Ace- You know, it’s not like I didn’t want to try the whole superhero thing. But Chant had already come to power and no one else was ever able or willing to try to stop him. God I wish I had. You’re right, bum, I’ve become a total waste. But it’s too late now. Now that the team is pure shit, I don’t have anymore powers. They’re gone....
Ace flips out a ten of clubs- Actually...
Releasing the card he sends it slicing right through La’s wrist and into the wall on the other side. Frozen in place La looks at his hand still on the wrist. Trembling slightly, the hand falls to the ground leaving a stump at the end of his arm.
La- AAAAUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! You cut off my freakin’ hand!
Ace gets up and grabs La by the detached hand.
Ace- Look you idiot!
Suddenly the stump begins to morph and grow out like a weed in a garden.
Ace- Looks like there were a few powers you didn’t quite pick up on, eh?
La looking down at the growing stump- My God...
Ace- Oh, one more thing-
Ace bends down and picks up the severed hand from the floor. Pulling out a match from his coat pocket, Ace strikes it across La’s desk and throws it into his garbage can along with the hand.
-Those can become quite the nasty little buggers. Trust me.
La grinning ear to ear at his hand- What are we waiting for?
Ace- Now that’s what I like to hear!
Still sparking Ace plucks his Justice Tarot card and pockets it back into the deck- We’ll meet you in the alley then.
Ace jumps back down the trapdoor.
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Back in the alleyway…
Wednesday stands beside the dumpster grabbing loose papers to wipe himself off.
Wednesday- God what is taking him so long?
Alex- Relax Wednesday.
Wednesday- Oh God, he killed him didn’t he? La Machine is dead up there and the police are on there way to get us.
Alex- Wednesday chill out! Nobody’s dead ok. I’m sure he’ll be out in a minute
Wednesday- No I can’t wait anymore. I’m going up there.
With that Wednesday creates five duplicates and has each one stand on the others shoulders. He makes it to the top of the chute when suddenly he hears a distant sliding sound. Out of the shadows comes the figure of Ace surfing down the slide. With a crash he and the Wednesday’s collide.
As the Wednesday’s hit the ground they vanish and only one remains. Ace lands square on his feet.
Wednesday- Ow! I think I landed on the glass again…
Ace- Well that was fun.
Alex- Ace! Where is La Machine?
Ace- He’s still up there
Alex- What? He’s not coming?
Wednesday- Oh great. Well this was a waste. Come on, if we hurry we can make it back to the mini-van before sundown.
Voice- A mini-van? Ha! No team of mine will be cruising around town in a mini-van!
Alex- Huh?
Ace looking at his tarot card- Look!
Alex- Where?
Ace- Riiiiiiigggggghhhht….. There!
Still looking at the card Ace points to the limo pulling up to the alley. The window to the limo slides down and inside is indeed La Machine.
La Machine- You must excuse my manners before. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.
La opens the limo door.
La Machine- Now I think it’s time the JLR rode in style.
Ace and Alex- ....
Wednesday- HELLZ YA! That's what I'm talking about!
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In the limo the team streches out and talks.
Wednesday- Oh. My. God! Is that a mini brewery?!? You have a mini brewery in your fucking limo?!?! Hahahaha!!!
Wednesday pours himself a drink.
La Machine- Haha yes of course. Only the best for me and my teammates. Now what should we do now that we're all here. Talk battle plans and rush to take down Chant?
Alex- Actually.... no. You see we're not all here yet. There's quite a few more to pick up.
La Machine- Alright so who are these other members.
Alex- Here, all we have is this journal.
Alex hands over the journal to La Machine
La Machine- Brittanica.... Di Bat Pho.... Fused.... Fused? Like the DJ, Fused?
Alex- No, like the superhero Fused.
La Machine- No, no this is him. I recognize him from the picture. This guy is hot right now. I actually met him just a while ago.
Alex- Are you kidding me?
La Machine- No completely serious. We had a game of celebrity basketball a few months ago for some charity or whatnot. He was on my team. We kicked so much arse.
Ace- Can you get back in touch with him?
La Machine- Hmmm... I'll have to see what I can do but it shouldn't be a problem. But first I wanna head back to my penthouse to pick up some things.
Wednesday swinging back another glass- Y'know Fused actually has a club in the middle of town. He goes there almost every night when he's not on tour.
Alex- Alright then. We'll make our way into his club tonight. La Machine will ask to see him, and we'll all talk things over with him.
Wednesday drink empty- Shounds lika plan!
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The limo pulls to a stop beside the luscious and luxorious Grand Hotel.
La Machine opens the door and one by one they pile out.
Alex whistling- Wow. This place is huge... (looking up) That's a long way up.
Wednesday climbing out of the car and drunkenly tripping over the curb- Oof! Und a long way down a swell.
La Machine- And my suites on top, 50th floor. None of you can fly can you?
Alex- Nope
Ace- Uh-uh...
Wednesday- Not sense lass month...
La Machine- Hmm...
to Ace- I can't fly can I?
Ace shakes his head no.
La Machine- Damn, that would have been a grand entrance... oh well, elevator it is!
A minute later the team is crammed into the elevator with several other hotel guests.
La machine to a rather distinguished looking gentleman with a white curly mustache- Hi. This is my team. We're gonna save the world.
Man- Oh. Is that right?
La Machine- It is indeed!
Suddenly La's stomach starts growling- Grrl
La Machine- Gah!
Ace- Uh oh! Guys cover your noses. Breath through your mouths quick!
Wednesday- Aw gowd!
Alex- Ewwww!
The old man reaches for his nose to late as La Machine squeezes out a Vegi-ball. Within the enclosed elevator with absolutely no ventilation he passes out within seconds.
La Machine- Yahoo! Another super power for me!
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Moments later La opens the door to his penthouse suite. The doorway opens up onto a small walkway. To the left is the living room complete with a huge couch, big screen tv, stereo system, an exquisite fireplace, and a gorgeous view of the city. To the right is a hallway leading to the bedrooms and bathroom. Straight ahead through a swinging door is the kitchen and dining room. On the ceiling in the living room is a fancy chandelier.
Alex- Oooo cushy...
Ace- Eh I'd take a cardboard box to this any day.
Wednesday walking over to La's mini bar- Haha... wow look at all the drinks ya gots here. Somebody's an alcoholic. Haha
La Machine- Apparently so...
La Machine- Alright team, I called my designer as well. She's in my room now and promises to have me a great costume in no time at all. So make yourselves at home while I go in and see her.
Wednesday stumbles across the room and plops himself down onto the sofa and grabs for the remote. Missing once, he reaches again and this time grabs hold of it and flips on the tv.
Alex walks to the window and stares out at the view while Ace wanders down the hall.
Alex- Where are you going?
Ace- You heard the man. He said make ourselves at home.
Alex shrugs and continues looking at the view.
Alex- Wednesday, do you really believe we can do this? Do you really think we can stop Chant? I mean, we have no idea what we're doing. None of us has much actual experience on this.
Wednesday- Look kid, things for now seem to be working out just fine. The trick to being a great hero isn't constantly worrying about being able to do the job, it's about simply trying. Your never gonna be able to save every person or stop every disaster. And if you try your either gonna get yourself killed or have a mental breakdown. You gotta take it a step at a time, worry about the little things as they come up. Just be confident that things'll work out.
Alex- Yeah you know something your right Wednesday. Thanks
Wednesday- snore
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A small while later...
La Machine walking out of his room, his designer following just behind- Ta Da!
La Machine strikes into modeling poses while his designer starts with a design show hosters voice.
Designer (who we'll call Mark)- La machine sports a very fashionable net mesh spandex over his entire body. Over that he's got a stylish skintight basketball jersey and shorts, bearing the JLR insignia of course, gloves and sneakers (his choice not mine)
Alex whistles visiblly impressed.
Wednesday looking off the glare of the tv mutters something and goes back to watching Baywatch.
La Machine- Ooo Baywatch!
Suddenly the three teammates (and Mark) hear the bathroom door fly open and turn to watch it. A blanket of steam pours out from the room. Out from the mist walks an almost unrecognizable figure. Clean shaven, clean clothed, and just plain clean Ace waltzes out into the living room towards the guys and cracks his neck and streches.
Ace- Whew... I needed that shower
Ace's hair pokes out freshly washed and no longer oily, slightly long but stylish. His beard neatly trimmed into a goatee. He's now wearing a clean white shirt complete with a black spade in the middle, long black pants, black boots and a new black trench coat.
Wednesday- Who da heller you?
Alex- Wow.
La Machine- Well, I must say you certainly do clean up rather nicely, "bum".
Ace- Thank you kindly, sir. And I've got to admit I'm digging your new look. Hope ya don't mind but I went through your closet's a little.
La Machine- Not at all. Mi closet es su closet. So how about you Alex, or should we be calling you Centurian? You want Mark to whip you up a snazzy new costume?
Alex- Nah, Alex is fine, and I don't think I'll really be needing a costume.
La Machine- Alright then, if we're all done here then I believe we've got an appointment at Club Fusion...
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Club Fusion opened it's doors nearly two years ago rising in popularity and success along with the career of it's owner and DJ, Fused. Now not only is it the cities hottest nightclub but the hottest day club, afternoon club, and evening club. Boasting an all out neverending party going nonstop inside Club Fusion's walls, time stands still. And just like Vegas, what happens in Club Fusion, stays in Club Fusion.
Most clubs that would seem half as popular as this would have entrance lines reaching miles in length and hours upon hours of wait, but just one of Club Fusion's many rules for clubbing was to eliminate the lines and to give entrance to all who came.
And sure enough by the time the quickly forming JLR reached the club damn near everyone in the town had come. Standing just outside the door they look up at the club. Inside a full blown rave is taking off or starting to crash but never ever ending. Outside the evidence of this is apparent as the music is heard blaring and lights flashing.
Wednesday- My god, this place has got to be packed.
La Machine- Oh yes, I'm sure. It always is.
Ace- Have you been here before?
La Machine- Haha oh do I look like a clubber to you? No, I've never been but hear it's crazy inside.
Alex- What's it supposed to be like inside?
Wednesday- Y'know I heard the experience is supposed to be different for every person. Like an acid trip or something!
Ace- What the hell are we waiting for?
Ace burst through the door and into the club. His eyes dialate the minute he steps in and starts stumbling around giggling.
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Alex- Dammit now we lost Ace. Come on we gotta get him! Alex tugs on Wednesday's sleeve as he runs into the club after him. Wednesday-*hurk* Whoa, no tug-e-tug kid. I'ma thinking all them beverages weren't such a good idea. Alex- Fine just stay here for now. I'll be back with Ace. Alex walks through the doors and the clubs energy hits him, and hard. The lights blink into his brain while the music beats his head against the speakers. The dancers gyrate into every second giving him more reason to freak. Alex- Ahhhh, Gahh, Subbuahdubbaah Alex stumbles across the dance floor bumping into each person and screaming as he slips by. Alex- Ah ah ah oh my god! La Machine- Wow... exactly like an acid trip. *sigh* C'mon Wednesday our "team" needs our help. Wednesday- *urp* Huooghhh! *splash* La Machine- Ohohohohooo you are so lucky this suit is stain resistant. Wednesday and La walk through the door. Instantly Wednesday starts floating into the air. Wednesday- Ay lookathat I can fly again! Woo! Wednesday does a flip in the air and starts dancing. Wednesday floating over to a cute girl- Hey hey sweet thang I dunno what it is but I feel like a million bucks allasudden! What's say we go somewhere quiet and do something loud! At the same time Wednesday starts floating up, La collapses to the ground. La- GOO! I can't feel my legs! I'm paralyzed! Sweet mama pajama! Quickly the paralisis spreads over his entire body till only his mind remains. His body sits on the floor, face drooling and being danced on. La- Ahhh what the hell am I gonna do now. Stupid useless body. La's spirit leaves his body and floats over the crowd next to Wednesday La- Haha this is awesome! I'm flying! Oh god I hope I'm not dead. Wednesday- Hehey La glad you could join us! La- Us? Wednesday- Check it out! This is Livee! The beautiful girl with Wednesday floats with him and winks to La. La- Yes... pleasure to meet you I'm sure. Wednesday shouldn't we be finding the others? Wednesday- *sigh* Oh relax and have some fun. This parties not gonna be going anywhere. Livee whispers something into Wednesday's ear and he starts giggling Wednesday- Oh La! Livee says she's got a sister.... La-  ..... 
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Ace scampers all throughout the dance floor and makes his way up to the bar. Looking around he giggles hysterically at everything he sees. Ace sits grabs a bar stool and sits down.
Bartender- Hey what can I getcha?
Ace suppressing his laughter- Tchhe
Ace fights with all of his willpower to keep from cracking up again. The pressure building up in his body is climbing. Every couple of seconds his face goes from serious to cracked up. His body sways and rocks with the movements as he tries to get out the words that come out as laughs.
Ace- I -tee- I'll ju- tss tss- Gimmee a jack and tahhaha- coke. Jack and coke.
Bartender lifting an eyebrow at his behavior- That'll be 7.50
Ace, seriously- Ah... tssssstsssstssss hahahahaHAHAHA!
Back with Wednesday La Liv and Kelsey
Kelsey- So what? Are you like a ghost or something?
La- Hmm? Oh no no not at all. I got a body. See right there on the floor. I just kinda passed out or something.
La points to his body
Kelsey- Are you sure your not dead? Your not really moving around that much.
La- Well actually...
Liv- No I think I see him drooling a little bit
Kelsey- Eww! Try a lotta bit.
La- Hey it's not like I can help it.
Kelsey- Right that's exactly what my ex used to say.
Wednesday pokes at La's astral form. His hand passes through him and feels warm.
La- Ew Wednesday stop! That's freaking weird. How would you like it if I did that to your astral form, huh?
Wednesday- Hey, I was curious all right? So sue me!
La- Maybe I will!
Wednesday- Maybe you should!
Wednesday- Great!
La- Grand!
Wednesday- Hey La?
La- Yea?
Wednesday- Where'd the girls go?
La- Aww dammit
Alex still freaking out backs into a corner screaming.
Alex- Ahhh!!!
Alex runs scared from the corner looking behind him at a shadow he's certain must belong to his mother. Looking behind him he doesn't see the huge beast of a man in front of him and runs dead smack into him.
Beasty Man- Hey, what the fuck!
Alex- AH!
Beasty Man- You wanna get your ass kicked kid?
Ace sitting at the bar sees the confrontation starting and grabbing control of his senses he runs down to stop it.
Ace- Hey whoa whoa go easy man, heh, he didn't mean anything by it...
Beasty Man- I don't give a shit! He's disrespecting me! I'm gonna beat the shit out of him!
Ace-(Oh god not now....)
Ace starts losing grip on his control. His face smirks and scrunches up. His nose makes a grinding noise with the air forced out. Suddenly...
Ace- Bwahahaha tss--tsss-tss gahahah oh oh man
Beasty Man- That does it!
The Beasty Man swings a Mack truck of a fist through the air just missing Ace as he falls to the ground holding his sides and laughing. La and Wednesday turns to see what all the commotion is about.
Wednesday- Oh dammit can't we go anywhere without something happening?
Last edited by Hybrid; 2006-11-30 4:59 PM.
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Wednesday and La start floating over to help out their teammates. La climbs back into his body and jumps to his feet.
Wednesday- La what's today?
La- Tuesday I think.
Wednesday- What time?!?
La checking his watch- Uhhh... 11:58. Why?
Wednesday- Ha! My power!
The fight continues as they run over to join their teammates. Ace slips out a pack of old cards out of his pocket and flings one at the man. It hits him with such a force he flies backwards into a group of his friends. They help their friend up and charge the JLR.
Wednesday- Damn I hope it's a good one...
La- C'mon we gotta help them.
La jumps the rest of the way across the room and latches on to one of the mens neck. He starts riding him like a bull while the man tries bucking him off.
La- Yee-HAW!
Wednesday duplicates himself but the duplicate fades instantly. Suddenly he starts changing shape and turns into a mirror image of one of the friends.
Wednesday- Hmmm.... that'll do...
La crosses his legs around the mans neck and tightens them to secure himself. He lifts his arms around the mans head and starts creating a Vegi-Ball directly around it. The man finally throws La off but it's too late as the Vegi-Ball is trapped on his head.
Man- AHHHH!!!! OH GOD!
Alex still freaking out grabs a glass and splashes it into another of the friends face.
Alex- Ha, take that!
Man #2- Grrr!
Alex- Gah!
Just as the man reaches his meaty hands around Alex's neck Wednesday runs up and startles the man seeing a person that looks just like him.
Wednesday- Hi!
*Pow* Wednesday punches the man with his own strength and even his own fist.
Ace throws cards at the first Beasty Man through his clothes and sticks him into the wall.
The team looks around. All the men but the first one is out cold. They surround him at the wall.
Beasty- Let me go! This doesn't even concern the rest of you!
Voice- But it does concern me!
People all over the club gasp as they see where the voice comes from, Fused.
Fused- I have very few rules at my club but I'm pretty sure you just broke three of them.
Beasty- Three?
Fused nods his head and sticks up a finger as he counts them off- One-You started a fight, Two- you damaged my property, and Three-.... You. Made. Me. Stop. The. MUSIC!
Fused looks angry. He grabs the man with his bionic arm and uses the other hand to adjust it's dial.
Beasty- No, please.
Fused- You did this to yourself man... The rest of you might wanna cover your ears.
Suddenly Fused's arm shoots out musical notes and starts playing Celine Dion.
JLR- Ah it's horrible!
Beasty- Aghhhh!
Fused- Have you had enough?
Beasty- Yes, yes, oh god yes
Fused- Alright then, goodbye.
He readjusts his arm and shoots the man with a solid blast of sound picking him up and throwing him through the ceiling. A few seconds later a distant crash can be heard.
La- Whoa
Wednesday- You're- You're Fused!
Fused lifting his arm and laughing- In more ways than one.
La- Venn! Oh man it's good to see you again!
Fused- La? What the hell are you doing here?
Ace- We've come here to get-
Ace is cut off by Fused's arm. An alarm starts going off and a screen pops out of Fused arm.
Fused- Hold that thought. I gotta take care of some business.
Fused runs off into the crowd toward the bar. The team follows behind.