Club Fusion opened it's doors nearly two years ago rising in popularity and success along with the career of it's owner and DJ, Fused. Now not only is it the cities hottest nightclub but the hottest day club, afternoon club, and evening club. Boasting an all out neverending party going nonstop inside Club Fusion's walls, time stands still. And just like Vegas, what happens in Club Fusion, stays in Club Fusion.
Most clubs that would seem half as popular as this would have entrance lines reaching miles in length and hours upon hours of wait, but just one of Club Fusion's many rules for clubbing was to eliminate the lines and to give entrance to all who came.
And sure enough by the time the quickly forming JLR reached the club damn near everyone in the town had come. Standing just outside the door they look up at the club. Inside a full blown rave is taking off or starting to crash but never ever ending. Outside the evidence of this is apparent as the music is heard blaring and lights flashing.
Wednesday- My god, this place has got to be packed.
La Machine- Oh yes, I'm sure. It always is.
Ace- Have you been here before?
La Machine- Haha oh do I look like a clubber to you? No, I've never been but hear it's crazy inside.
Alex- What's it supposed to be like inside?
Wednesday- Y'know I heard the experience is supposed to be different for every person. Like an acid trip or something!
Ace- What the hell are we waiting for?
Ace burst through the door and into the club. His eyes dialate the minute he steps in and starts stumbling around giggling.