Wednesday and La start floating over to help out their teammates. La climbs back into his body and jumps to his feet.
Wednesday- La what's today?
La- Tuesday I think.
Wednesday- What time?!?
La checking his watch- Uhhh... 11:58. Why?
Wednesday- Ha! My power!
The fight continues as they run over to join their teammates. Ace slips out a pack of old cards out of his pocket and flings one at the man. It hits him with such a force he flies backwards into a group of his friends. They help their friend up and charge the JLR.
Wednesday- Damn I hope it's a good one...
La- C'mon we gotta help them.
La jumps the rest of the way across the room and latches on to one of the mens neck. He starts riding him like a bull while the man tries bucking him off.
La- Yee-HAW!
Wednesday duplicates himself but the duplicate fades instantly. Suddenly he starts changing shape and turns into a mirror image of one of the friends.
Wednesday- Hmmm.... that'll do...
La crosses his legs around the mans neck and tightens them to secure himself. He lifts his arms around the mans head and starts creating a Vegi-Ball directly around it. The man finally throws La off but it's too late as the Vegi-Ball is trapped on his head.
Man- AHHHH!!!! OH GOD!
Alex still freaking out grabs a glass and splashes it into another of the friends face.
Alex- Ha, take that!
Man #2- Grrr!
Alex- Gah!
Just as the man reaches his meaty hands around Alex's neck Wednesday runs up and startles the man seeing a person that looks just like him.
Wednesday- Hi!
*Pow* Wednesday punches the man with his own strength and even his own fist.
Ace throws cards at the first Beasty Man through his clothes and sticks him into the wall.
The team looks around. All the men but the first one is out cold. They surround him at the wall.
Beasty- Let me go! This doesn't even concern the rest of you!
Voice- But it does concern me!
People all over the club gasp as they see where the voice comes from, Fused.
Fused- I have very few rules at my club but I'm pretty sure you just broke three of them.
Beasty- Three?
Fused nods his head and sticks up a finger as he counts them off- One-You started a fight, Two- you damaged my property, and Three-.... You. Made. Me. Stop. The. MUSIC!
Fused looks angry. He grabs the man with his bionic arm and uses the other hand to adjust it's dial.
Beasty- No, please.
Fused- You did this to yourself man... The rest of you might wanna cover your ears.
Suddenly Fused's arm shoots out musical notes and starts playing Celine Dion.
JLR- Ah it's horrible!
Beasty- Aghhhh!
Fused- Have you had enough?
Beasty- Yes, yes, oh god yes
Fused- Alright then, goodbye.
He readjusts his arm and shoots the man with a solid blast of sound picking him up and throwing him through the ceiling. A few seconds later a distant crash can be heard.
La- Whoa
Wednesday- You're- You're Fused!
Fused lifting his arm and laughing- In more ways than one.
La- Venn! Oh man it's good to see you again!
Fused- La? What the hell are you doing here?
Ace- We've come here to get-
Ace is cut off by Fused's arm. An alarm starts going off and a screen pops out of Fused arm.
Fused- Hold that thought. I gotta take care of some business.
Fused runs off into the crowd toward the bar. The team follows behind.