New York
Link had seen many funerals over the years, more than a man should see in his lifetime. After years of observation, he'd come to classify attendees of such gatherings in two types: those who were there to mourn, and those who were there under obligation. He could tell one kind from the other in a second or two, even if he was watching the funeral from the distance, like he was now.
There wasn't a single mourner in this particular funeral.
Link didn't have to wait much to approach the grave; as soon as the bishop closed his bible the people started leaving the cemetary without looking back. He looked at the gravestone in front of him:
"1976," Link read. "Heh. I saw you in '77... You looked pretty tall for a one year old. Not to mention you were more talkative than twenty toddlers put together! All that talk of changing the world... wonder where it all went.
"If my new friends knew I was here they'd probably think I'm a monster, again..." Link shook his head. "Nobody ever understood our friendship, not my allies, not yours. Not even Mr. Kal. I never told you this, but our arguments over you were probably what broke up the Rogues. Bet that'd make you laugh. I kept telling K you were honest about going straight again, but he always said people like you never change..."
Link suddenly looked saddened. "I guess in the end he was right.
"You were my first friend. My first enemy, too, of course... but my first friend nonetheless. I'm aware of all the horrible stuff you've done, and the even worse things you had in store, but still I couldn't hate you if I tried. My 'brother' knew this and used it to get to you. Our friendship was the only good thing you ever had, and it ended up being what killed you. In a sense, that makes it worth it for both of us... you're finally not hurting other people or yourself. And me..."
Link bent and left a small wooden sword on the grass, a simple object that had brought Little Jack and The Worm hours of entertainment aboard Nigel Montag's Charybdis more than a hundred years ago.
"I can finally be in peace with being your friend." Link turned his back on the gravestone and walked away.