
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
I don't see "Janet Reno Dance Party" as a brutal portrayal of Janet Reno. Otherwise, if it were that brutal, when Janet Reno took a swipe at running for Florida governor, she never would have had a fund-raiser publicity thing and called it "Janet Reno Dance Party" as it was on Saturday Night Live.

I wasn't referring to the Dance Party as much as I was referring to how the character acts and talks.

It's not like they get Tracy Morgan to play Condoleeza Rice, or a woman to play Colin Powell.


Similarly, I've seen some very funny parodies of Bill Clinton, where he was overweight in a jogging suit at McDonald's, meeting people, appearing to campaign, but only was friendly to people so he could mooch their food.


But in the cases of G.W.Bush and Quayle, they portray them as idiots who couldn't find their own asshole in the dark. And I find attacks on their competency based on nothing in particular to be a bit mean and less funny. Although much of it is, admittedly, quite funny.

The stereotyptical portrayal of G.W being a moron can get boring at times, since it's really the only aspect of his personality satirical shows seem to play on, but that's not much different from the hilarious Phil Hartman skits as a slobby, drunken Ted Kennedy.

I agree that sometimes they lack tact and just seem mean.


While I have seen Giuliani and McCain appear as guests on Saturday Night Live, I don't know that they've been on that much. I've seen them each once on the program, perhaps they've been on more than that. But to my knowledge, no more so than Clinton, Gore and other prominent Democrats.

McCain must have friends at NBC or something, because he's also a semi-regular on the Conan O'Brien show(the "John McCain secrets" bits leave me on the floor every time). One of the reasons I really like him is because he seems to have such a great sense of humor, and has no problem being made fun of or even making fun of himself.


SNL had a great "Presidential Bash" special a few nights before the election that was hilarious. Collecting parodies from SNL's last 30-years of Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Mondale, Perot, Clinton, Bush Sr, G.W. Bush and Kerry, that was hilarious.

Interesting, I should try and track that down. SNL has, admittedly, severely gone downhill in recent years. It's always refreshing to see some of the older shows, which are far more high quality, in my opinion.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.