These protestors would prefer someone like Howard Dean as a guest speaker at their school.
Because we all know that Howard Dean would never resort to hate speech, making blanket statements about how all Republicans are evil, and that he hates all Republicans.
And we all know that Howard Dean would never make blanket stereotypes of all residents of the Deep South, as all driving pickup trucks, and all having gunracks in their back truck windows.
Except that we all know Dean said both these things in the last year.
Or Jesse Jackson saying: "I used to spit in the soup of white people."
Or more recently, Jackson's describing New York City as "hymietown."
Oh yes, the Democrats are so superior in their rhetoric. They never resort to stereotypes do they?
How about inviting Democrat Senator Dick Durbin, so he can repeat his remarks about our troops in Iraq, which he compared to "Nazi storm troopers, Soviet Gulags, and the Cambodian Pol Pot regime".
Remarks which Durbin later retracted, after a firestorm of criticism regarding the distortion of comparing our soldiers to those who have committed genocide of millions.
At least in the case of Ann Coulter, she makes her remarks with clear humor and deliberate hyperbole, to make a larger point.
I loved a remark Coulter made in the early months of the Iraq War that "donations to Udei and Qusei Hussein Memorial Fund can be made directly to the Howard Dean campaign", or something to that effect.
I mean anyone who reads that knows she doesn't mean it literally, but simply that Howard Dean's rhetoric is inadvertantly serving the cause of Saddam Hussein.
I love the way Coulter makes a point about the absurdity of Democrat actions, with these hyperbolic statements of what Democrat partisan statements truly represent (in this case, spreading the propaganda and the cause of Al Qaida, in opposition to the United States).
And I hasten to add, that in contrast to Coulter, the remarks of Dean, Jackson and Durbin I mentioned above were made in complete seriousness.
I guarantee these U. Conn. college protestors would not criticize these same remarks from Democrat pundits and leaders.
Quite the contrary, they would be at stage front, cheering them on.