Each floor has a kitchen and 9 wards (30ish patients on each) each kitchen has 3 people.
1 person goes in the wash, the operate the washing machine and put everything through (I can do this but never get the chance to because the girl I work with is a selfish whore.) the other 2 people remove the food and dishes from the trolleys that come back from the 9 wards.
So I got back early and started working I clean my oven and the started stripping the trolleys. I stripped 2 before the other people got back. One girl went in the wash, the other new girl I asked to clean an oven (this was a 5 minute job because it was practically clean but I gave her some leeway (sp?) because she's new. anyway I stripped another 2 of those food trolleys in the time it took her to wash 7 shelves of this practically clean oven, she then said she couldn't do it anymore so I went and cleaned the other 2 shelves and the back of the oven before going back and stripping the remaining shelves.
Normally after this I would started cleaning the tables and plating up the ovens for tomorrow while the other person counted the cutlery but because tomorrow we have a health inspection I had to clean all 9 tray trolleys which were a bitch to do. Each one took about 5 minutes. All the while I have the girl who is always in the wash and never does anything else coming out and having a go at me, telling me the time and saying that I’m taking the piss. The new girl counts the cutlery and sets it up ready for the next day.
So after doing this I then have to fill in the cleaning roster and plate up all the ovens and complete the half assed job the girl did of mopping. So yet again I did more than my fair share of walk and got grief about it from that selfish cow that never comes out of the wash. I didn't once raise my voice to her or anything so she's pretty lucky but if she treats me like that again and has a go at me and calls me lazy while I’m working my ass off I’m going to fucking snap.

So yeah not a good day.