"Let me see that book," Rama Avatar said to Edulcore Cicciotto as the two well-dressed men stood in line at Københavns Lufthavne, the Copenhagen Airport, after having purchased two first-class tickets with Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) on a direct flight from Copenhagen to Las Vegas. Ed folded over a corner of the page he was reading and handed it hesitantly over to the Swordsman, as if he was not sure he would get it back in one piece. Rama flipped quickly through it, frowning all the while, and finally held it out at arm's length and read a bit of the blurb on the back cover: "'In this daring new book, author David Icke asks the question: Was Avant-Garde's formation prompted by a... thwarted extraterrestrial invasion?' ... 'Insidious Reptilian agenda'?!? What utter trash! How can you read this tripe, Cicciotto?"

Ed shrugged. "Stranger things have happened, as you well know, Mason," he said with a wink.

Rama sighed loudly. "You can have the book back. I'll find a more reputable one for myself."

"Your homework, also?"

"Indeed," Rama said with a knowing grin. "I'd like to know as much as possible about our possible enemies."

Ed shook his head and sighed.

"If these 'Avant-Gardians' are anything like our own universe's Vanguardians, we can be sure that they're a disorganized group of individualistic morons with meta-powers coming out their arses who are incapable the least amount of team-work. In that case we have nothing to worry about. It's the possibility that they're actually efficient that worries me. And, judging by their apparent status with NATO, if your book is correct on that point, they don't seem to have remained small-time in this world."

Rama was next in line and waited for the light to turn green before walking up to the booth at the International Departures wing. The man at the booth greeted him and took his passport.

"Your name is Rajinder Brar? From Dresden?"

"That is correct," said Rama.

"You don't look German," the man said with a self-amused tone.

"And you don't seem to be aware of the marvel that is immigration," Rama retorted.

"Touche," said the man with a tone of boredom. "Have a good flight."


Shortly afterwards, within Terminal 1, Edulcore and Rama were sitting down opposite each other as they waited for their flight. It was almost midnight, and their flight was at 3:30 AM.

"This is a most unnatural way to travel," the Swordsman growled. "Ungodly departure times, no stopping anywhere to have a proper night's rest and good meal... and no interesting company, either."

Ed ignored the last remark and said, "Get sleep wherever and whenever you can, Rama." He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

Rama Avatar looked around indignantly at the dirty cushions on his seat. "Do you really expect me to fall asleep right here, on this filthy Davenport?"

"I don't 'spect you t'do anything," Edulcore muttered as he began to nod off. "Just wake me up when it's time t'go."

The Swordsman crossed his arms, completely outraged at the situation, and harrumphed as loudly as he could. Cicciotto didn't seem to notice.