Just saw it. Not bad... but not great either. I think one of the main issues was casting. While I thought Evans was a particularly inspired bit of casting (this kid was, literally, a perfect Johnny Storm) and Chiklis did a decent job as the Thing, I just wasn't convinced by Gruffud's Reed or Alba's Sue (though she was looking pretty hot in that low-cut form-fitting bodysuit). I don't think they had much real chemistry with one another, which might've been essential to making their relationship (at least their romantic one) believable. The only time I thought they did well together was when they were arguing with each other. I've never seen anything with Julian McMahon before, so I didn't know what to expect from him. All in all, he wasn't too bad... but his 'turn' was too sudden and not really all that convincing (at least not to me).

I thought the major problem was the script, though... especially its treatment of Doom. Too many liberties, I felt - from his being in the cosmic storm to his powers in general. I'm a bit of a purist, so that was a bit hard for me to swallow. There was also a certain plot device with Thing (don't wanna give too much away) that made sense cinematically but just left a bad taste in my mouth overall.

Was it the worst superhero movie I've ever seen? No. However, it stands for me as a beacon that the reign of superhero films at the box office is nearing an end. Marvel's 'House of Ideas' is running out... at least in terms of film. If DC can pull off its Superman project, there may be some hope... but if not, I think the superhero era will end the same way it did last time - with a Bat.

That is all.