Bianca said:
Pig Iron said:
I liked it..it was fun and great. I have never seen catwoman..but elektra was 100 times worse...daredevil was worse..which i gave a c-, I liked it as much as spidey 1 at least....
Are you serious?
FF wasn't nearly as good as Spider-Man . . . but it was better than Spider-Man 2 and Elektra. Daredevil made a teensy bit more effort in some parts (but not by much) and I actually liked The Punisher but never saw The Hulk.
Wow, I liked spidey 2 way better than spidey 1..see we all have our own tastes..i thought Punisher was decent...I'm pretty forgiving of comic movies if they aren't completely dumb like superman 4 and batman 3 or 4...or that horrid elektra (who i don't like anyway)...even daredevil was OK..
See, I think this is teh deal..I'm beginning to go into any movie making myself hate it before i see it..If I see it and it's decent i'm flabergasted..hence, I thought FF was a great movie....But shit, I like Flash gordon what do I know???
Last edited by Pig Iron; 2005-07-12 2:14 AM.