My comments on the movie:

1. I liked it.
2. It made me laugh.
3. It made me appriciate those older comics Grimm recommended about six months ago. I 'got' the reason why everyone appeared to have such random powers. It was more like a reflection of their inner character, and all that other deep sounding stuff.
4. I figured the storyline was going to be somewhat simple, mainly because it was the introduction for everyone. I was cool with that.
5. Don't laugh, but I liked this more than the first Spiderman and X-men movies. I have to admit -- four is a nice round number. I can't keep track of everyone in the X-men movies, and Spiderman had a habit of beating it's theme (yes I get it...with great power and all that crap...).
6. I felt like the movie retained the whole 'family' thing. Actually, Sue and Johnny pretty much were based on me and my brother.
7. Ioan Gruffudd and Julian McMahon were hot. Heck, I'll give points to Jessica Alba as well, and I'm really not into that sort of thing. Is that a shallow reason for liking any movie? Yeah. But hey, nice to see Gruffudd in something where he's not on a boat wearing leggings. And It was nice seeing McMahon not playiung an evil, shallow doctor...actually, forget I said that...

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream