
Steve T said:
I might actually see this. My new girlfriend has seen it and is actually willing to pay to see it again!
Mind you, this is someone with Electra in her DVD collection...

I hate to tell you, but she's not worth it. Save yourself.

Grimm pretty much summed it up. That's exactly what we were both saying after seeing that garbage. Ben and Johnny . The rest of the movie . You'd think that with a Fantastic Four movie that they'd have Dr. Doom as the villian. Instead, we get some pussy in a Doom costume. I think that Julian McMahon is obviously a Doom-bot with gay programing.

I think they fully understood the dysfunctional family aspect of the FF, but only two actors were able to pull it off. Chiklis and Evans were Grimm and Johnny Storm. They made that fucking movie. Everyone else is just floundering off on the side like a fish that's jumped out of its tank and landed on the carpet. No connection at all. Alba and Gruffud didn't make me believe that they were in love at any time. McMahon seemed to convey anger on the scale of "You just ate the cupcake in my lunchbox," rather than the Dr. Doom level of "FUCK YOU, RICHARDS! YOU RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE! I'M GOING TO TAKE YOUR MALLEABLE HEAD AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR RUBBER ASS!" anger.

I did like the bridge scene. The FX were cool. The action was pretty quick paced. I do have to question in story logic of Sue turning invisible and stirpping on the bridge to get past the cops (I perfectly well understand any logic that has Jessica Alba strippin' down to her undies). She goes through all that to get past the cops, yet Reed and Johnny (who can't turn invisible, btw) meet her on the other side.

To sum it up: Shit plot. Shit acting, with the exception of Ben and Johnny. Good FX. At least one good action scene. Save your money. Find a bootleg to watch like I did.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."