Take a deep breath and simmer down sock boy.
No one, except perhaps you in your imagination, has attempted to describe the bike thieves as democrats, Bush haters and/or minorities.
You posted about how you wanted to confront some people whom you suspected of being bike thieves.
I simply pointed out--as a bit of friendly advice--that, given the reality of the political climate of Eugene, your actions would likely not be met with much sympathy and could, in fact, get you in trouble.
If you want to pretend now that the political climate in Eugene is not left (when we all know you believe it to be), simply to be oppositional-defiant, go ahead. And if you want to pretend that liberals don't, as a general rule, have attitudes towards crime and homelessness that differ from conservatives, again, go ahead.
It won't change the possible, if not likely, result of your plan, but at least you will get arrested a happy man, knowing you called someone on a message board an asshole before that arrest.